来源:教育联展网 编辑:佚名 发布时间:2022-06-20
项目组合管理(Project Portfolio Management)作为美国项目管理协会推出的针对项目决策管理与多项目管理的实践标准,是面向企业高层管理者和项目组合管理专业人士的标准,已经在全球**的500强公司得到了广泛的应用。在国内,项目组合管理目前仅仅还是初步认知的水平,但随着推广的深入,将会得到了越来越多企业的认可,用来指导在复杂的企业经营环境中,如何**项目组合管理来实现企业战略方向和商业价值**化,组合管理是组织中高层管理者的核心技能。
项目组合管理(Project Portfolio Management)作为美国项目管理协会推出的针对项目决策管理与多项目管理的实践标准,是面向企业高层管理者和项目组合管理专业人士的标准,已经在全球**的500强公司得到了广泛的应用。在国内,项目组合管理目前仅仅还是初步认知的水平,但随着推广的深入,将会得到了越来越多企业的认可,用来指导在复杂的企业经营环境中,如何**项目组合管理来实现企业战略方向和商业价值**化,组合管理是组织中高层管理者的核心技能。
1. Portfolio Strategic Alignment
a. Understanding the strategic need for portfolio management
b. Understanding the elements of strategy
c. Aligning organizational strategy to a portfolio
2. Design and Definition of a Portfolio
a. Understanding portfolio design considerations
b. Defining portfolio design specifications
3. Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Process Cycle
a. Understanding the steps involved in the PPM process cycle
b. Gaining an overview of the techniques involved in each of the steps
4. Initiative Prioritization and Preparation for Portfolio Optimization
a. Identifying prioritization criteria relevant to the strategic objectives
b. Understanding and applying prioritization techniques
c. Identifying constraints for portfolio optimization
d. Identifying initiative dependencies
5. Portfolio Optimization and Balancing
a. Understanding the difference between portfolio optimization & balancing
b. Performing mufti-constraint optimization with Monte-Carlo analysis
c. Defining optimization scenarios & performing scenario analysis
d. Defining portfolio balancing criteria
6. Portfolio Planning
a. Understanding portfolio planning and planning artifacts
b. Developing the Portfolio Strategic Plan & Portfolio Management Plan
c. Developing the Portfolio Roadmap
7. Portfolio Benefits Management and Stakeholder Engagement
a. Developing the Portfolio Benefits Dependency Map
b. Understanding the portfolio stakeholder engagement cycle
c. Developing the Portfolio Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
d. Developing the Portfolio Communications Management Plan
8. Portfolio Governance and Portfolio Risk Management
a. Understanding portfolio governance
b. Understanding the elements of the Portfolio Governance Model
c. Developing a Portfolio Dashboard
d. Understanding the role of a Portfolio Management Office (PfMO)
e. Understanding the focal areas of portfolio risk management
f. Identifying portfolio-level risks
g. Performing portfolio risk analysis: Portfolio Dependency Matrix
9. Portfolio Resource Management
a. Understanding the portfolio resource management cycle
b. Understanding portfolio resource management strategies
1. 项目组合管理和PfMP认证基础知识
a. 项目组合、项目组合管理基础知识
b. PfMP认证申请、评估、考试介绍
2. ECO项目组合管理考试大纲精讲
a. 战略管理(8个任务)
b. 治理管理(5个任务)
c. 绩效管理(10个任务)
d. 风险管理(6个任务)
e. 沟通管理(6个任务)
3. PfMP认证过程精讲
a. PfMP认证介绍及与PMP、PgMP认证区别
b. PfMP认证流程介绍
c. PfMP认证申请材料撰写
d. PfMP认证机考过程介绍
e. PfMP认证模拟考题练习
f. PfMP认证申请、评估、考试失败对策