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课程介绍Course Introduction



As taxpayers, you need to pay large amount of personal income tax and corporate income tax wages because of salaries and bonuses. But, have you ever thought about that a considerable part of your tax paid can be legally and reasonably avoided through effective tax planning methods.


Since the "law on personal income tax regulations" implementation, greatly increased the high income of enterprise management, marketing and technical backbone and foreign nationals in the tax burden! Moreover, the national tax administration is taking more policies and strict measures, to strengthen tax collection and management of high earners, and thus directly affect the enterprise income tax! Therefore, it is necessary to master skills and avoidance method is reasonable and legitimate, because it will reduce your tax burden, thus effectively avoiding your personal economic loss and increase the efficiency of enterprises!




Experts will be based on the tax issue the new tax collection and administration of individual income trends and discussions, help you establish legitimate and effective long-term tax avoidance ideas and solutions.


By the 30 kinds of practical method of tax evasion, high income greatly reduce your company management, marketing and technical backbone and foreign nationals in the tax burden.


Experts will also provide a series of tax avoidance schemes reduce wage costs related to the enterprise income tax for you, in order to increase the economic efficiency of enterprises.


Experts will teach in combination with case selection, and on-site FAQ, to solve difficult problems in your work! You still have a chance with peers on the common problems in communication and benefit from.



1. 个人所得税法对中高收入者的影响分析 /Analysis on the effect of 1/0 on individual income tax on high earners

新法法规透析 /New regulations dialysis

税收监管动态透析 /tax regulation dynamic dialysis

新法对工资奖金税收影响分析 /Analysis of the impact of the new law on wage bonus tax ?

2. 中高收入者的避税筹划思路 /In the high income tax planning

纳税人筹划及案例分析 /taxpayer planning and case analysis

税种筹划及案例分析 /taxes and case analysis

征税项目的筹划及案例分析 /Planning and case analysis of ? of taxable items

减少计税依据的筹划及案例分析 /Planning and case analysis of tax based on reducing

降低适用税率的筹划及案例分析 /Planning and case analysis of the applicable tax rate reduced

选择计税方法的筹划及案例分析 /selection planning and case analysis methods

3. 中高收入者工资薪金的个税避税筹划及案例分析 /Analysis of wages and salaries tax avoidance planning and case of 3/0 in the  high income

企业薪资方案的设计 /Design ? salary scheme

工资费用化项目的选择与实施 /Selection and implementation of ? salary expense items

工资发放方法的筹划 /payroll for planning

**低工资的税负方案 /minimum wage tax scheme

多处取得工资的避税计划 /many get wage tax plan

年金的避税筹划 /annuity tax planning

福利费的避税筹划 /welfare tax planning

劳务报酬的避税筹 /The remuneration of labor tax planning

工资项目转化,等等 /Wage project transformation, etc.

4. 中高收入者的奖金避税筹划及案例 /In the high income bonus tax planning and case

奖金发放形式的避税筹划 /Planning ? bonus forms of tax avoidance

奖金**低税负方案的设计 /Design ? bonus minimum tax scheme

年终一次性奖金的避税筹划 /Planning the yearly lump sum bonus tax

包干奖金的避税筹划 /lump sum bonus tax planning

奖金发放时间的避税筹划,等等 /Planning the bonus tax, etc.

5. 工资费用的企业所得税筹划 /Wage costs of the enterprise income tax planning

为职工支付其他费用的所得税扣除 /Income tax ? pay for other expenses for employees deduction

工资税前列支方式的所得税筹划 /Income tax planning ? payroll tax

xpenses method

利用工资附加费的企业所得税筹划 /use wage surcharge of enterprise income tax planning

基于降低税负的企业年金方案设计 /designed to reduce the tax burden on enterprise annuity plan

基于降低税负的工薪方案设计等 /reduce the tax burden of working scheme design based on

6. 外籍个人工资奖金所得税避税筹划 /Foreign individuals pay bonuses income tax tax planning

销售和市场业务管理制度 /sales and marketing business management system

外籍个人纳税义务的认定 /foreign individuals that the obligation of tax payment

外籍个人工资**低税负方案的筹划 /foreign individuals pay minimum tax scheme planning

改变住所的税收筹划 /change residence tax planning

出境时间的税收筹划 /Tax planning ? exit time

外籍个人工资支付地的税收筹划 /foreign individuals pay more tax planning

外籍个人工资来源地的税收筹划 /foreign individuals pay tax planning of the sources

外籍个人收入项目转变的税收筹划 /Transformation of foreign personal income tax planning throughout the project

外籍个人先分配后转让的税收筹划 /Tax planning ? foreign individuals assign transfer

外籍个人工资福利化的税收筹划 /Tax planning ? foreign individuals wages and welfare

利用税收优惠政策的税收筹划 /the use of tax preferential policies in tax planning

7. 企业年金在企业薪酬福利体系中的**实践 /The best practice of Enterprise annuity in enterprise salary welfare system

新政出台优化员工整体薪酬安排新的机遇 /issued new optimization overall employee compensation arrangements for new opportunities

新政对企业在人才吸引与保留的重要作用 /new enterprises in attracting talent and retain an important role

企业年金与社保的关系、企业年金是否强制建立?建立条件是什么?如何建立?/Relationship, pension and social security ? enterprises annuity whether forced up? To establish what is the condition? How to set?

企业年金的缴费、成本、计税及提取规则 /enterprise annuity payment, cost, tax and extraction rules

员工离职要求一次性提取年金是否应获支持?/employee turnover requirement extract annuity should be supported?

补缴年金争议是否属劳动争议范畴? /payment of annuity dispute whether it belongs to the category of labor dispute?






中国(深圳)股权研究中心特聘 财务专家



主讲课程包括《财务系统落地班》 、《老板利润管控》 、《财务总监特训营》、《年度预算管理》 。

财务系统构建管理咨询策划的实战指导经验丰富,经过多年实战锻炼,黄老师在财务,尤其是在企业财务系统规范化落地建设、预算管理,企业内部管理、成本管理,风险管理等领域积累了丰富的经验。将财务管理和经营管理融为一体,教学方法深入浅出、思路严谨,让学员们在 的学习氛围中能够深入思考,将所学知识运用到自己的工作中去,为自己和所服务单位增加价值。



课程热线 18898361497



学校介绍University Profile











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