1. 以积极正面的语言表达观点
Express yourself in positive language. Say what is, not what is not.
2. 段落之间使用过渡词
Use transitions between paragraphs.Transitions tie one paragraph to the next.
(1)A transition can be a word, like later, furthermore, additionally, or moreover; a phrase like After this incident…; or an entire sentence.
(2)If you are writing about Topic A and now want to discuss Topic B, you can begin the new paragraph with a transition such as “Like (or unlike) Topic A, Topic B…”
1 变幻多种句式结构 Vary your sentence structure.It’s boring to see subject, verb, object all the time. Mix simple, complex, and compound sentences. 2. 用词直接易懂 Understand the words you write.You write to communicate, not to impress the admissions staff with your vocabulary. When you choose a word that means something other than what you intend, you neither communicate nor impress. You do convey the wrong message or convince the admissions committee that you are inarticulate.
发展历程 环球雅思隶属于北京环球天下教育科技有限公司,环球雅思学校成立于2001年 2006年9月获得软银赛富基金数亿投资组建环球天下教育科技有限公司(Global Education & Technology Co., Ltd.),并于2010年10月8日...