多年Java开发从业者:首先,这个问题主要问:自学Java编程技术,如果才 能找到一份Java编程的工作。按照现在的招聘标准来看,无论你去哪个公司面试,你只需要满足他们公司的需求就可以。
找到一份Java编程工作需要掌握的内容如下 :
首先是Javase作为Java**基本的学习 内容,不在多说。
然后是掌握Java的基本原理,因为做Java 编程开发必须学会Java,用到Java非常多,但是现在很多公司是不用去写原生的Java,但是如果你想成为一个厉害的Java开发者,Java必须从理论到实 际操作中都要非常得心应手。
现在公司是必须要求会用框架的,所以取代Java的就是jQuery,这是一个非 常简易的框架,学jQuery的时候你就会觉得它比Java好用的多。所以jQuery是你必须掌握的。
还有必须学一些框架,比如SpringMVC、Spring、Mybatis、Struts、Hibernate等等,这些就会难理解一些,但是公司是需要要求你会框架的,目前国内的公司应用SSH比 较多,建议至少学三个框架,这是找到工作的基本需求。
以上就是粗略的必须掌握的技术,如果你想找到一份Java开发的工作,上述 相关技术必须熟练掌握并且应用到项目中。
How to use lingo...
What is lingo
LINGO is a mathematical modeling language designed for formulating and solving optimization PRoblems, including linear, integer, and nonlinear programming problems. It is small but powerful.
What is this tutorial
This tutorial is a sample introduction to how to use lingo to solve some basic optimization problems. And this is the first essay of it.
What we need
Of course, we need lingo. But I just find lingo13 for linux, so this tutorial is based on it…Click here to download
After you download it, you can extract the gz
file and the Readme.pdf
will tell you how to install lingo13 in you computer.
First program in lingo
Create an empty document in the folder lingo13, and type:
MODEL: TITLE LP; [OBJ] MAX=2*x 3*y; [c1] 4*x 3*y<10; [c2] 3*x 5*y<12; END
then save it as sam.lng
. Open the terminal in the folder lingo13 and type $ bin/linux64/lingo13
to launch lingo13, then use$ take sam.lng
and$ go
to execute the sam.lng
And the program will solve the LP and give you the answer:
when you see these lines, it means lingo have solved the problem. Model Class: LP
tells you that this is a Linear Programing problem,and Objective value: 7.454545
gives you the optimal value of objective function. Variable
and Value
show exactly the optimal solution.
End of class 1
Congratulations! You achieve the most difficult part of the tutorial. Hope you can enjoy lingo13 and see you next time:-)