1、了解建设工程项目策划的基本知识 建设工程项目策划的基本概念 (1)工程项目策划指的是通过调查研究和收集资料,在充分占有信息的基础上,针对项目的决策和实施,或决策和实施的某个问题,进行组织、管理、经济和...
2016-08-03 17:04
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) Paul says he is a big fan of _______. a) anim...
2016-08-03 16:51
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) What does he say about saving water? a) He sh...
2016-08-03 16:45
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) What does he say about saving water? a) He sh...
2016-08-03 16:45
Stop it, it's nauseating! 别说了,肉麻! 还有一种说法 None of it, it's sickening! ( an answer to an act of cruelt...
2016-08-03 16:44
今天每日一句的内容是: Pleasure and pain are the wealth of life, to escape its negative, as some of the face of courage, in ...
2016-08-03 16:44
21.Pervert! 色狼! He is such a pervert!I saw him looking at me in the toilet! 他真是个色狼!他在厕所直盯着我看! 22.Super! 精彩! Good j...
2016-08-03 16:44
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) Key says he likes ______ . a) hunting b...
2016-08-03 16:43
第192期:Attend a Dinner Party参加朋友的家宴_初级英语口语
have a dinner party 举行家宴 Bring drinks or dessert 带一些饮料或是甜点 If your friends have a dinner party, it's custom...
2016-08-03 16:43
【背景】 北京市中小学开学第一天,北京市教委出台的八项减负规定无疑是中小学生收到的最好礼物。昨天来自各区县教委的消息,根据规定,新学期开始,小学低年级学生从过去的“不留书面课外作业”变为“不留课外作业”。此外,中小学也不许给家长...
2016-08-03 16:43
【背景】 记者从国家人口计生委获悉:我国出生人口性别比持续偏高30余年,从2009年开始,连续4年下降。根据国家统计局发布的数据,2012年我国出生人口性别比下降到117.7,表明我国近年来为遏制出生人口性别比失衡开展的综合治理...
2016-08-03 16:42
【错误表述】 Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library that was newly open. 【详细解说】 首先,我们...
2016-08-03 16:42
【背景】 外媒称,中国将30岁前嫁不出去的女性划定为“剩女”,这让中国的年轻女性感到不舒服。 【新闻】 我们来看一段相关的英文报道 China has upset its young fem...
2016-08-03 16:41
31.You dare? 你敢? I want to challenge you! 我要挑战你! You dare? 你敢? 32.I approve. 赞成! Let's go for a drink. 走吧!喝一杯! ...
2016-08-03 16:41
41.Crass. 没风度。 He's so crass,there's no way I would date him. 他很没风度,我不可能跟他约会的。 42.So what? 你说呢? You are such a bad...
2016-08-03 16:41
They boy was crying hard that lost his way while looking for his mother. 首先,我们来看这句话的意思。这句是说——这个男孩在找他的妈妈的时候迷了路,正哭得...
2016-08-03 16:41
【背景】 对于美国、日本等发达经济体纷纷实施货币贬值的政策,吴晓灵直言靠货币来支撑经济的发展,是饮鸩止渴。一个国家应该更多地注重实体经济的改革,而不是一味地来使用货币政策。她表示,中国政府不会参与到货币战争当中去。 ...
2016-08-03 16:41
第195期:Sick in Bed with the Flu得流感了卧病在床_初级英语口语
白洁得了流感! 白洁 caught the flu!! 还有谁感觉 really gross!? 1) flu 流感 Everybody's getting the flu. Including m...
2016-08-03 16:39
第194期:Full of Yourself 形容一个人很自恋_初级英语口语
Full of Yourself 很自恋 Bai Jie, don't you think I look absolutely stunning today? 白洁,难道你不觉得我今天看起来很漂亮吗? I...
2016-08-03 16:39
You are the only one of the clerks who are invited to the party. 首先,我们来看这句话的意思。这句话是说:你是唯一一个被邀请参加晚会的职员之一。 接下...
2016-08-03 16:39