来源:教育联展网 编辑:佚名 发布时间:2018-07-03
今天,朗阁(Longre)教育 旗下拥有深耕雅思、新托福、新SAT等海外考试语言培训多年的朗阁培训、提供美国考试培训及个性化留美解决方案的智美教育、专注于德法西意等欧系语言定制培训课程的欧风教育、专注日韩语纯正之道的日韩道以及提供雅思托福线上教育的朗阁在线等五大教育品牌,同时,朗阁还经中国教育部批准,拥有正规留学中介资质,实现培训一体化服务。
明天,朗阁(Longre)教育将一如既往地提升自我,提升他人,提升社会价值!不断学习进取,努力创建全球教育品牌,打造国际化教育 !
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Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching studentshow to judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachersshould only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and giveyour opinion.
There is no denying that a teacher’s role in the overall development of astudent is multifaceted. As teacher, one’s primary obligation is to teachstudents academic knowledge. Yet, it is equally important for him to make surethat the students make progresses in other aspects.
First of all, whether one can effectively pass academic knowledge to thestudents makes the first and most important criterion for judging him as aqualified or unqualified teacher. The main task for the students to perform atschool is to lay a solid foundation for their study at a higher level, thus thetask for a teacher is to assist them to achieve this goal.
Second, a teacher’s obligation is not just confined to passing on academicknowledge to the students. The students are also supposed to develop theirability to judge right from wrong, thus becoming good citizens when they stepout of school. To do this, a teacher will have more roles to play than justteaching academic subjects. He will have to set a good example of moralityhimself and share or discuss with his students his viewpoints towards differentphenomena in the society. In a sense, apart from the role as pure academicteacher, he also serves the roles of students’ parents at school.
Admittedly, a teacher can relatively be more sure about the academicprogress of the students, but not that sure about their moral development forthe simple reason that the society is a big dyeing pool in which one’s beingdyed into a certain color is the result of many factors of which family and manyother things also have a role to play. Therefore, seen from this perspective,the influence of a teacher is, after all, limited.
From the above discussion, we can come to the conclusion that apart fromteaching students academic subjects, a teacher should also try his best to mouldtheir personality and moral image. Meanwhile, the society as a whole is alsosupposed to work together to ensure the students’ overall development.