英语学无止境-English and Beyond
来源:教育联展网 编辑:佚名 发布时间:2019-08-26
长沙雅思雨花区班班,小编推长沙韦博雅思培训机构,长沙韦博雅思培训机构是知名品牌,**执教、通俗易懂、深受广大学员所欢迎。下面是小编整理的 的一些资料,仅供参考。
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新东方英语创立于1998年,以英语口语培训为核心,为6周岁以上人群提供以实用为导向的中外教结合英语课程及相关服务。 基于科学严谨的学习方法和丰富多元的学习形式,创造开放融合的学习环境和广泛联结的学习氛围,实现英语素养的渐进提升, 带来融入生活的英语体验。从而让语言能力助力自在分享,让语言能量激发共同坚持。 目前,新东方英语在全国60多个城市150多家中心,帮助近百万名学员自信说英语。
本文整理了雅思大作文:父母角色差异的原因供大家参考使用, 【教育类】 In some countries,the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father. Why do you think these differences exist? How might parental roles develop in the future? 在一些国家,父母在教育孩子中扮演的角色,和很多方面,是不同的,为何存在这种差异,在未来父母的角色会有哪些变化? 【老师点评】 新题出现,恒热教育,谈及父母对于孩子成长中影响差异的原因,展望父母在孩子未来成长中作用的不同,不属分析问题解决问题话题,考察头脑风暴,写作有一定难度。 老师预测题目中的寒门贵子还是将门虎子,是否所有的父母都应该学习育儿课程,和本场考试都有交集。 【思路拓展】 男性比较理性和阳刚,女性比较感性和温柔,因此,他们对于孩子成长的影响自然不同,一般而言,孩子会从爸爸身上学到坚毅和勇敢,会从妈妈身上学会善良和孝道。骨血相连,血浓于水,无论父母,对于孩子的教育和引导都是积极的善意的。爸爸努力赚钱,是为孩子赢一个成长环境,妈妈努力育儿,是让孩子明辨是非、行为规范。 教育这个词的本源是说将一个人从一种蒙昧的无知的状态中引导出来,教育应该涉及道德教育、性格培养、学术教育等。老师已为人父,我以教会笑笑坚强、独立、自信为己任。小石头已为人母,她以教会笑笑善良、孝心、守则为己任。 教育不能颠覆:道德教育和性格培养应该优先于学术成长,先重品质和品行,后重成绩和选择。如果可以畅想未来,父爱如山,为人父,应该树立标杆,让孩子学会志存高远,不懈奋斗。母爱如水,为人母,应该树立标杆,让孩子学会海纳百川,清澈纯净。 【范文赏析】 【首段】 背景介绍 + 写作目的 Parents are the initial teachers of their children, thereby, their speeches and behaviors, to a larger extent, exert a subtle influence on children's character-training and future development. The impacts that parents impose on their kids might differ greatly due to various reasons. This essay aims to explore where the differences lie in and how parental roles will change in the future. 【解析】 1. Their speeches and behaviors, to a larger extent, exert a subtle influence on children's character-training and future development. 父母的言行举止,在很大程度上,对于孩子的性格培养和未来发展有潜移默化的影响。 2. This essay aims to explore where the differences lie in and how parental roles will change in the future. 本文目的在于探究这些差异所在,再探究下父母的角色在未来会如何变化。 【二段】父母对于孩子影响差异的原因展开 Due to the gender differences,parental roles vary greatly in a child's growth. Males tend to more rational and tenacious, while females tend to be more tender and sensible, in this sense, a child can benefit differently from the parent. As a father, I always try my utmost to set a fine learning example for my child, what my kid can acquire from me is to be big at heart, cherish great ambition and rely on honest hard work to strike for those cherish-but-failed dreams. By contrast, seen from the role my wife plays, it is her unshakable obligation to guide our child to unite peers, respect the old, make a clear distinction between right and wrong. In addition,the distinct workload and pressure might account for the difference. Fathers, in most cases, have to stand out in career, hence, they usually allocate less to educating children, by contrast, mothers generally give priority to their families, thus, they will spend more time accompanying their children. 【解析】 1. Male tend to more rational and tenacious, while female tend to be more tender and sensible. 男性更加理性和坚韧,然而,女性更加温柔和感性。 2. What my kid can acquire from me is to be big at heart, cherish great ambition and rely on honest hard work to strike for those cherish-but-failed dreams. 孩子从父亲身上学到心胸宽广、胸怀大志、为梦想不懈奋斗。 3. Seen from the role my wife plays, it is her unshakable obligation to guide our child to unite peers, respect the old, make a clear distinction between right and wrong. 从妈妈扮演的角色来看,她的责任所在是教育孩子团结他人,尊敬长辈、明辨是非。 4. Fathers, in most cases, have to stand out in career, therefore, they usually allocate less to educating children. 多数情况下,父亲要建功立业,因此,他们教育孩子的时间较少。 5. Mothers generally give priority to their families, thus, they will spend more time accompanying their children. 母亲通常更加重视家庭,因此,她们陪伴孩子的时间较多。 【三段】父母对于孩子不同影响的未来展望 Virtually,it is no easy task to simply predict the changes the parental roles in the future,for different families might have manifold conditions. One possible change might be that more professional mothers will appear when their families has accumulated enough family wealth. More precisely, more females are willing to return to families and wholeheartedly take care of their children. Another predictable development I can figure out is that parents will make joint efforts in educating and guiding their children no matter how busy they are because numerous parents might take fostering excellent children as their source of happiness and spiritual contentment. 【解析】 1. Virtually,it is no easy task to simply predict the changes the parental roles in the future 实际上,简单预测未来父母作用的变化绝非易事。 2. More females are willing to return to families and wholeheartedly take care of their children. 更多的女性会愿意回归家庭,悉心照料孩子。 3. Numerous parents might take fostering excellent children as their source of happiness and spiritual contentment. 很多父母会把培养优秀的孩子当做是幸福的源泉和精神的满足。 【尾段】总结立场 In closing,parenting will always have many indispensable roles to play in shaping children's character, establishing their life outlook and influencing their destinies. My firm stand is that all parents will take efforts and take time to influence their children positively. After all, blood is thick than water. 【解析】 1. Parenting will have many indispensable roles to play in shaping children's character, establishing their life outlook and influencing their destinies. 父母在孩子们的性格培养,人生观树立,命运走向方面可以发挥不可替代的作用。 2. After all, blood is thick than water. 毕竟,血浓于水。 【全文点评】 本篇有感而发,自由写作,一气呵成。最后一句血浓于水,余音绕梁,可谓言有尽而意无穷,相信只有感动自己的文章才能引发读者共鸣。当作者没有博取高分的期待,当作者忠实于自我的感情,当作者只是想做一次真诚的交流的时候,可能,你也就在字里行间展示了你真实的水平。 本文严格按照题目指令写作,符合雅思写作四项评分标准。主题明确、行文通畅、逻辑清晰、论据饱满、文风朴素,偶以亮点词汇为点缀,可为雅思考生赏析之佳作。