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名师大咖面对面,有问有大收获多。Many of us have missed spending a holiday or two with our loved ones, only to find ourselvescalling to ask what they had for dinner. It doesn’t matter if it’s the same thing that is servedyear after year. There’s nothing like food to help us identify with our roots. These recipes, cherished family favorites, handed down from each generation to the next might undergosubtle changes, but there still remains a cable of unity.
It is this unity which constructs the bridge between families and generations. Food can bedescribed as the building blocks of this cultural bridge. Good food knows no boundaries. Itbecomes the great equalizer between young and old.
Here, in the kitchen the old master works hand in hand with younger family members andfriends, passing on traditional skills used in the culinary arts.
However, more is taking place than a mere transfer of information about ingredients andmixing instructions. Magic moments are created between child and elder