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名师大咖面对面,有问有大收获多。The tongue-twisting nature of its contents confirms that the World Cup ball has come a long way from the leather-and-laces variety that was common as recently as the 1960s.
The Fevernova's secret. Adidas says. is its radically improved Syntactic foam and unique knitted Raschel fabric.
Given that this is supposed to make the ball faster and provide the freekick specialists like Beckham with more power, it may not be surprising that goalkeepers like Buffon are unhappy. Spain goalkeeper Pedro Contreras said the bail acts "strangely", while Danish keeper Thomas Sorensen admitted gloomily that it would probably result in more spectacular goals. "As a goalkeeper, you have to live with the fact that the makers create balls for the benefit of strikers." he said before leaving Copenhagen for South Korea.