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在线答疑、课后同类题练习、讲义下载、短信提醒Yeah. Showers in most countries are a recent habit.对,在大多数国家,淋浴只是一种新的习惯。
What about saunas and Turkish baths?那桑拿和土耳其浴呢?
Well, the ancient Greeks and Romans had baths, and possibly they had steam bath too. That’s a bit like saunas.古希腊和古罗马人也洗澡,他们大概也用蒸气,有点像桑拿。
But no showers?没有淋浴吗?
I don’t think so. And no shower jell to wash with, or shower caps to keep the hair dry.我认为不是这样,他们没有沐浴露,没有防止头发沾湿的浴帽。