1、智能交互 2、电子板书式视频教学 3、在线互动问答 4、封闭课堂启发式教学方式
在线答疑、课后同类题练习、讲义下载、短信提醒The villagers fought tooth and nail to stop the government from pulling down the temple.村民拼命阻止政府拆掉那间寺庙。
替换短语:risk one's life:拼命
The villagers risked their lives to stop the excavator from tearing down the temple.村民冒着生命危险阻止挖土机拆掉那间寺庙。
9.tower above:高出,胜过
The score of the contestant from South Africa towered above all the others.来自南非的参赛者分数高出其他所有的参赛者。
替换短语:get the best of:胜过
The score of the contestant from South Africa got the best of all the others.来自南非的参赛者分数高出其他所有的参赛者。