1、智能交互 2、电子板书式视频教学 3、在线互动问答 4、封闭课堂启发式教学方式
在线答疑、课后同类题练习、讲义下载、短信提醒3.subject to:(1)使服从;(2)容易遭受
(1)The moment you step on the territory of the country, you are subject to its laws.你一踏上该国领土,就必须接受他的法律约束。
(2)Taiwan is subject to earthquakes and typhoons.台湾很容易遭受地震和台风。
4.suffer from:遭受
The old man has sufeered from pneumonia for years.这个老人多年来一直受肺炎所苦。
混淆短语:suffer for:为……受苦
The old man suffered humiliation and opprobriums for his son's offence.老人因儿子的罪行而遭受羞辱和咒骂。
5.sum up:(1)总结;(2)加总
(1)Let's sum up our resolutions before moving on the next subject.在进入下一个议题前,我们先总结一下前面的。