1、智能交互 2、电子板书式视频教学 3、在线互动问答 4、封闭课堂启发式教学方式
在线答疑、课后同类题练习、讲义下载、短信提醒Secondly, English is one of the most important subjects at school or the university. If you want to get good marks and want to enter a good university in three years, you must learn it well.
Thirdly, your influence English can help you get a better job in the future, if you can learn English well, you will have more chances to succeed.
Fourthly, English has been used everywhere in our daily life. For example,你英语如果能考150分(学生笑), 那你就太酷(cool)了,I'll take you to KFC,吃汉堡包(hamburger), 喝咖啡(coffee)可乐(cola), 坐巴士(bus)去打高尔夫(golf)保龄球(bowling). 你喜欢天天向上这种脱口秀(talk show)还是中国好声音PK赛又或者是NBA?这些节目都有很多忠实的粉丝(fans)。现在是E时代,你有E-mail吗?有MP3,P4,P5,吗?有Ipad吗?如果这些,你不知道,你就out了! As you can see, English is very useful.