1、智能交互 2、电子板书式视频教学 3、在线互动问答 4、封闭课堂启发式教学方式
在线答疑、课后同类题练习、讲义下载、短信提醒2. in one's opinion 以某人的意见
3. Where there is a river, there is a city.
4. on the bank of a river 在河岸/畔
5. during/in one's lifetime; in all one's life; throughout one's life 在某人的一生中
6. look like something out of a fairy tale 像是从童话种走出来的一样
7. in history 在历史上
8. under attack/fire 被攻击 (under=in the process of)
under arrest; under discussion; under construction; under consideration; under control; under examination; under investigation; under observation; under repairs;