1、智能交互 2、电子板书式视频教学 3、在线互动问答 4、封闭课堂启发式教学方式
在线答疑、课后同类题练习、讲义下载、短信提醒大西洋位于美洲之东,欧洲和非洲之西。大西洋的名字来源于希腊语,可能源于Atlantis岛屿,传说该岛位于大西洋,曾经有过伟大的文明,后来突然消失。大西洋是世界上面积仅次于太平洋的第二大洋。大西洋及边缘海域总面积为106,460,000平方公里,大约占地球总面积的五分之一。它的平均深度为3,300米,小于太平洋和印度洋的深度,这是因为其北部有广阔的大陆架,并且它的边缘海域较浅,这些海包括东部的挪威海、北海、波罗的海、地中海、黑海和西部的巴芬哈得孙湾、圣劳伦斯湾、墨西哥湾和加勒比海。赤道以南的大西洋更宽,两岸皆为大陆,很少有岛屿。大西洋的最深处位于波多黎各岛北部的波多黎各海沟,约有8,380米深。The Tower of Babel, described in the Old Testament (Genesis 11: 1-9), was started by descendants of Noah on the plain of Shinar in Babylonia. The builders intended the tower to reach into heaven and make a name for them. God, however, was not pleased with the people, because they were disobeying the command given to Noah to fill the earth. The people's pride was leading them into rebellion against God, just as those people whom God had just destroyed by the Flood in Noah's time. To keep them from bringing greater punishment on themselves in the near future, God stopped the building by confusing the language of the people, causing them to be scattered throughout the earth. The pl