此鸟只在东北、西北、东南和西南筑巢,以免被发现. 我不费吹灰之力弄到了这种柔软舒适的短裤。 沥青使我发痒.我把开关抛进围绕厨房的水沟里. 580. In the beautiful bureau my daughter’s laughter served for the sauce of the sausage. 在漂亮的办公署,女儿的笑声充当了香肠的调料。 598. The dismissed Swiss miss kissed the once missing missile and scissors. 被解雇的瑞士小妞吻了一度失踪的导弹和剪刀。 599. The comb is combined with a bomb in the tomb. 梳子和坟墓里的炸弹结合在一起。 600. The sum of the hammers is made in the summer summary. 锤子总额在夏季总结里作了统计.