Unlike your Aries and Gemini neighbors, you, Taurus, can't stand rushing. You believe in measuring twice (at least) and cutting once, in thinking before you act, and in choosing your words and actions as carefully as possible. What drives you crazy more than anything, then, is haste - but unexpected change is a close second. In fact, unlike most of us, you're not particularly fond of surprises, even if they're pleasant ones.牛儿可不像白羊和双子座人那样,你最不能忍受的就是急急忙忙了。无论说话还是做事,谨慎的你凡事都会再三考虑。那么,当然不会有什么比急躁更让你发疯的事了。实际上,和大多数人不同,即便是非常令人开心的事也不能给你带来太多惊喜。