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来源:教育联展网    编辑:佚名    发布时间:2018-08-27




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课程简述:该课程适合希望冲刺新托福100分;英语运用能力扎实,需要弥补听、说、读、写短板现象,进行单项冲刺强化的学生。 教学承诺:符考分不满100分,全勤及作业完成者,免费重读本课程


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You probably know someone whos graduating from college this year. And what would Amazon or Pinterest suggest you give this brave soul whos walking over coals to the hellish world of job searching? A pen. (A nice pen, but a pen.) Or a mug with an inspirational quote printed on it. Or a business card holder.

You know what would be more helpful than those gifts? A job. Preferably a job with a desk, where this graduate can use her pen, drink from her mug and store her business cards.

Luckily, you – yes, you – can help give that greatest gift of all. Heres how to help a newbie job seeker land a job:

1. Start by looking within your company. Dont see any entry-level jobs listed for your company? That may be because those positions often go unlisted and are filled by internal referrals, says Brian Krueger, founder and CEO of CollegeGrad.com, an entry-level job search site, and author of "The College Grad Job Hunter." Thats where you come in, passing the job seekers résumé to your human resources department. "If theyre a good person for your company, go ahead and refer them internally," he says. "And you may make a nice little employee referral bonus for making that connection."

Even if there isnt an open and relevant position available for your contact right now, this referral may help both the recent grad and HR department in the future. Keep in mind that entry-level positions often have high turnover, Krueger says. And consider how larger companies sometimes hire numerous entry-level employees at once, and how usually a few of them will back out of the program just before it begins, he adds. Where do you think the HR team will turn in those situations, when theyve got to do some speedy hiring? "If youve got an employee referral sitting there, waiting, that person may be given first consideration and very little competition for that entry-level position if and when it comes up," Krueger says.

2. Reach out to your network. Share the job seekers résumé with folks outside your company, too. If theres not much crossover between what you do and what the new grad wants to do, remember: "You may have other connections outside of your job type and industry," Krueger says. Is there anyone in your book club or yoga class who could help? What about neighbors or family members? Shoot them the résumé, and encourage them to pass it along to whomever may be interested.

In fact, thats where things get interesting. "Its not necessarily who you know, its who they know," Krueger says. Maybe theres not much cooking among your connections or even your connections connections. But the more folks forward the referral, the more eyes (and potential employers) will see it. "Networking is a numbers game," Krueger says, and its in those third-level contacts and beyond "where the numbers explode."

Even as the number of professionals who see the résumé grows exponentially, the fact that the process began as a firsthand referral keeps it personal – unlike if the new grad blindly applied to a job online. Krueger says this method is particularly helpful for finding roles in small companies that have few, unadvertised openings. When companies want to fill those positions, "theyre looking at that internal pipeline of people they already know," he says.

3. Invite the grad to shadow you. "Shadowing is a very classic way of mentoring and helping people," says Dan Schawbel, career and millennial expert and author of "Promote Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success." After getting permission from your company, "get this student or recent graduate to come in, and show them firsthand what it’s like to work in an office environment in your profession or industry."

Schawbel points out that shadowing may help the grad determine what he or she wants – or doesnt want – to do. (Those 9 a.m. conference calls arent very fun, are they?)

To assure the day goes smoothly for both the shadower and the shadowee, check out these four tipsoutlined by Monster.

4. Help with mock interviews. "We train [students] to read things, know things and take the test," Krueger says. "You cant read interview questions, know the answer and go to the interview. You actually have to practice." Heres where you, a list of common interview questions and your phones video feature come in. And you dont have to be a career expert to be helpful.

"All youre doing is asking them the questions and giving them the opportunity to respond," he says. "The best part of the mock interview is not necessarily your feedback, but the opportunity to see themselves answering interview questions [and] getting that practice to actually do it."

5. Be a coach. Again, no expertise necessary. "Sometimes the hardest part of job searching is getting started and making that your full-time job until you get a full-time job," he says. And you can help keep the grad motivated.

Krueger suggests simply listening to the job seekers plans and goals for the week – say, reaching out to 30 companies and securing three interviews –and then checking in on how they played out. If applicable, talk about how you can help tweak the strategy. For example, if the job seeker contacted those 30 companies and got no bites, brainstorm more effective ways to communicate with potential employers.

"Thats different than Mom and Dad saying, Do you have a job yet?," Krueger says, because youre holding the grad accountable for her own goals. Youre just giving a nudge – which is more useful than a pen.



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