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新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专家学者共同创办于2004年,国际数据集团(IDG)(美国)和Kaplan国际教育集团(美国)参与战略投资。“新航道”三个字源于胡敏教授创办机构时对其二十一年教育实践的总结,下决心在大学的“庙堂英语”和培训机构的“江湖英语”之间开辟语言教育的新航道。新航道国际教育集团恪守“奋斗成就梦想”的核心价值观,坚持“高能高分”的教育理念,立志“做全球顶尖的教育机构”,帮助中国学子和家庭实现更美好的人生。


在12年的时间里,新航道培训学校遍布全国40多个城市,开设了超过300个学习中心。新航道培训学校以“我坚持,我成功”为精神内涵,坚持“学术、励志、激情”的教学风格言行一致,切实践行“精品小班 全程助教 个性化服务”三大标准,凭借着深厚的学术功底、务实的教学作风、强劲的研发能力和旺盛的进取精神成为行业的领导品牌,在教学内容、教材研发、授课质量、环境服务等多个方面为业界创立了全新的标准,并不断引领中国英语培训业的全面升级。


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Intransitive Verbs with Prepositions

to believe in, to try for, to get over, to go into, to turn to, to go without, to run over, to go through, to part with, to run across, to turn into, to come to, to touch on, to stick to, to take after


1. I believe in my wife because she always opens up to me and shows her love.

To believe in — 1) to have trust or confidencein

2) to favor, to support

A. Usual subjects: people

Usual noun phrases (NPs):people(friends, family, advisor);qualities of people(virtue, honesty , frankness, sincerity)

I believe in Joe because he believes in me; in other words, we trust each other.

Do you believe in your friends to help you when you need it?

B. Usual subjects: people

Usual NPs: idea, situation, plan

For definition B, the NP is often a verb ing form

The President believes in the idea of a world government.

If you believe in joining our political party, you should donatesome money.

2. When I graduate from college, I’d like to go into nursing and health services as a full-time career.

To go into — to examine, to consider, to discuss (in detail)

Usual subjects: people; lecture, speech, book, discussion

Usual NPs: problem, question; issue, topic; details

In his speech, the president went into the many problems of the company.

The President’s speech went into the many problems of the economy.

This bookgoes intothe life of Albert Einstein in much detail.

The topic was so interesting that our discussion went into its many aspectsfor several hours.

3. Right before a test, you should run over your notes brieflyto refresh your memory.

To run over — to review; to rehearse

Usual subjects: people

Usual NPs: notes, minutes (of a meeting); part (in a play)

The teacher ran over his notes before he gave his lecture.

Run over your part in the play at least three times before we rehearse it together.

You should run over new vocabulary every night.

4. I was very surprised when Iran acrossJoe, an old friend I had forgotten, in the supermarket.

To run across — to meet (someone) or to find (something) unexpectedly

Usual subjects: people

Usual NPs:people(old friend, forgotten classmate);things

While he was looking on at the football game heran across an old classmate from his high school days.

Iran acrosssome old pictures in the garage, which I hadn’t seen in years.

In the library, Iran acrossa good reference from my term paper.

5. The TV news can only touch on several daily events; it can’t examine them deeply.

To touch on — to talk brieflyabout; to discuss superficially

Usual subjects: people (author, speaker, teacher); book lecture

Usual NPs: subject, topic, question, idea

In his book, the author only touch on the reasons for his ideas; he didn’t go into them deeply.

The professor’s lecture touched on the most important ideas we had to know for the test; it was mainly a review lecture.

Even though I wanted to know all the details about my illness, the doctor only touched on them and then quickly discussed medicine.

6. Many athletes were trying for first place in the race, but only one of them could stand out as the winner.

To try for — to attemptto win; to try to get

Usual subjects: people

Usual NPs:award(prize, medal); record; position(job, post, employment)

In a contest, everyone usually tries for first place.

He tried for a new record by running faster than anyone else in the world.

I’ve tried for several jobs, but they have all fallen through.

In experiencedworkers who try for employment, which requires special skills usually fail.

7. When children need to open up about their problems, they should be able to turn to their parents.

To turn to — to ask help of; to get advice from

Usual subject: people

Usual NPs:people(friend, parent, classmate, teacher); notes, encyclopedia, dictionary

You should turn to your wife and open up if you are having marital problems.

Too many students turn to the dictionary to learn the meaning of a word instead of trying to catch on from the context.

8. The two hikers, lost in the desert, soon went through their entiresupply of water.

To go through — to use completely; to spend, to waste

Usual subjects: people

Usual NPs: food supplies; money, fortune

In two days we went through all the food we had bought for our four-day camping trip.

The store went through its whole supply of the popular sale item.

The spoiled grandson soon went through the fortune he had inherited.

9. Although Mike was terrible as a teenage, he has turned into a mature adult.

To turn into — to change into, to become

Usual subject:living things(people, animals); a changeableitem

Usual NPs: same as above

This idiom is used when the subject experiences a major change in appearance or structure. For people or animals, this could include personality.

The young boy turned into a mature adult.

Joe used to be a very agreeable, friendly person, but no he has turned into a disagreeable, stubborn person.

Water can turn into steam or ice.

10. He tried to change my mind for over an hour, but I stuckto my own opinion.

To stick to — to never change or abandon; to hold to, to keep

Usual subjects: people

Usual NPs: mental concept(idea, principle, belief); decision, choice

Your friends don’t know everything;stick to your own ideas when you think that you are right.

Church organizations expect people to stick to their religiousprinciples.

They tried to change my mind repeatedly, but I stuck to my first choice.






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