多思国际英语(余姚)中心 概况
余姚多思国际英语成立于1999年,在总结自身经验的基础上,**引进先进的教学理念、领 先的教育模式,发展了多思国际英语、多思疯狂英语、多思快乐儿童英语三 大教育品牌,现已成为具有实力的教育机构,并在全国开设多所分校。 多思国际英语余姚中心作为多思教育集团在浙江省的一家分校,深知质量是教育之本,处处以学员为中心,开业七年来取得了不斐的成绩。多思先进的教学 理念、雄厚的师资力量,高雅舒适的学习环境,到余姚七年来吸引了数千名学员前来求学,并为数十家中外合资企业和民营企业提供了专业的企业团体培训。 选择多思,选择梦想!你们的成功是我们的骄傲,多思全体员工愿意在您的英语求学道路上竭诚为您服务。
Introduction to Dos International
At the end of 2002, Dos International brought in the most advanced English Education System nowadays in the world, which enjoys popularity among more than 60 countries. The high-level language training provided by Dos International for enterprises or individuals is based on its advanced teaching concepts and leading education system. With its unique pluralistic learning methods and synchronized teaching methods, Dos International obtains impressive achievements based on its language teaching in accordance with the characteristics of Chinese trainees.
The establishment of Dos International is a breakthrough to the traditional English teaching, for which bridges the gaps such as big-class teaching and inflexible schedule,and dissatisfies people with special demands requiring the improvement of English speaking and listening capability in a short period. The brand-new personal English learning mode with its flexible schedule and native-English teaching environment is highly trainee-centered with high-tech backing, which, with the instructions from personal tutors, enables trainees us to set up targets, make further class appointments and monitor their own progress by themselves. This flexible way of learning guarantees effective learning of all the trainees in different progress, different frequency of class attendance, different levels and different study periods. Trainees can realize their own set targets easily and comfortably with Dos International --- an ideal study environment warm-hearted, professional and inspiring. There are always suitable English training programs for you here in Dos International, whether you are golden-collars, white-collars, students or common citizens.
Dos International has long been in persistent efforts to make our trainees gaining steady progress. Dos International --- your loyal inspirer for your English learning and career success.
Course Introduction
1)短期课程:Short-Term Training
短期课程主要针对需要在短期内提高英语水平的学员而设,如短期内欲出国的白领精英人士,欲出国留学的在校大学生。these courses aim at who wants to improve their English in short time(white collars/ college students/ study abroad)
课程周期 Training Period:一至三个月1-3 Months
2)常规课程:Regular Course
日常英语 Daily English
培训对象Training To:公司职员、企业白领及专业人士首选。Corporation Staffs /White Collars
目标水平Target Level:能流利自如地在日常生活中用英语交谈。Express fluently at work and life
课程周期 Training Period:三至六个月3-6 Months
3) 商务英语:Business English
培训对象Training To:外企主管、商务人士首选,涉及IT/市场营销/服务业/制造业/文秘/金融等,零基础亦可入门就读。Executives/ Businessmen IT/ Marketing/ Garment/ Manufacturing /Secretary / Finance
目标水平Target Level:能自如地用英语进行商务会谈,金融分析,及提高外贸函电贺商务信件的写作能力。use English professionally in business meeting, finance analysis, writing business letters
课程周期 Training Period:一至三个月1-3 Months
4)零基础英语:IB Learners (Beginner)
培训对象: 零英语基础或基础较差者。No English Base
目标水平Target Level:加快初学者的发音、词汇、语法能力突破,具备基本交流能力。Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar, Basic speaking
课程周期 Training Period:三至六个月3-6 Months
5) 强化课程Intensified Course
为学生/出国留学/求职人士量身定制。Students/Abroad study/ Job hunters
课程周期 Training Period:一至三个月1-3 Months
Enterprise Training: customized comprehensive courses for enterprises adaptive to different pre-employment and various position training
课程周期 Training Period:一至三个月1-3 Months
Pre-b pre-beginner 基础,字母,发音,语法等基础巩固,能够就自己感兴趣和见解进行简单的对话
B beginner 初级 能够运用结构正确的简单句表达个人有关信息,具备在国外基本的生活语言能力。
E elementary 进阶 运用句型描述日常生活,可自由用英语进行日常
I intermediate 中级,可以看懂60%的原音电影,独立完成商务考察及出入境办理,商务信件的往来,基本达到交流的目的。
Up upper-intermediate 中高级 能在任何场景进行交流,熟悉语言结构并掌握在环境中的运用能力
BU business 商务级 专业商务课程,能够掌握大量商务词汇,熟悉各种商务场景交流。
AD advanced 专家级 不仅日常用语表达自如,且在语言学术性方面,如逻辑表达、复杂深入的话题进行讨论;可以**英语国际标准语言测试:如 TOEFL.
更多课程资料、学校信息、优惠活动可拨打咨询热线:邓老师 177-6730-2242;咨询QQ:1602483374