词汇选项 Marsha confessed that she knew nothing of computer. A.admitted B.reported C.hoped D....
2016-03-25 17:14
词汇选项 For some obscure reason,the simple game is becoming very popular. A.unclear B.obvious C.ma...
2016-03-25 17:13
概括句意 An important thing to remember about cut flowers is that they are sensitive to temperature. For example,stud...
2016-03-25 17:13
概括句意 Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on...
2016-03-25 17:10
词汇选项 I am very grateful to you for your assistance. A.helpful B.hopeful C.pitiful D.thank...
2016-03-25 17:10
词汇选项 Relief workers were shocked by what they saw. A.moved B.touched C.surprised D.worrie...
2016-03-25 17:10
概括句意 The best evidence of the theory can be found in what the more fortunate West has experienced in its road to ...
2016-03-25 17:03
词汇选项 It is virtually impossible to persuade him to apply for the job. A.simply B.almost C.total...
2016-03-25 17:03
词汇选项 She was awarded a prize for the film. A.given B.post C.sent D.reminded 【正确答案】A...
2016-03-25 17:02
词汇选项 We should not sacrifice environmental protection to foster economic growth. A.reduce B.promote ...
2016-03-25 17:01
词汇选项 For urban areas this approach was wholly inadequate. A、really B、basically C、fundamentally ...
2016-03-25 17:01
词汇选项 Have you talked to her lately? A.lastly B.finally C.shortly D.recently 【正确答案】D...
2016-03-25 16:58
词汇选项: While we don't agree, we continue to be friends. A.Because B.Where C.Although D.Wha...
2016-03-25 16:57
词汇选项 I'm content with the way the campaign has gone. A.tied B.satisfied C.filled D.concer...
2016-03-25 16:57
词汇选项 The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accident. A.secrets B.details C.benefit...
2016-03-25 16:57
从2008到2013,我断断续续考了十几次雅思。在今年3月考到 L7.5 R9 W7.5 S7 的成绩,移民澳大利亚。考了这么多年,也算是个老烤鸭了。从最早的4.5分到最后的8分,走过了不少弯路。在这里把我的心得分享给大家。肯定不会完全正确...
2016-03-25 16:18
下面是一位考生分享的他的雅思口语6.5分经验,在这位考生的雅思口语经验中,着重向大家介绍了如何在背诵答案的情况下不紧张,而又要装成没有背诵答案。这确实是一项蛮有技术性质的练习项目,大家来看看方法吧。 背景:1月底上的复...
2016-03-25 16:17
这位考生拿到了雅思7.5分的成绩,但是和其他经过短时间就参加考试的考生们不同,他的最大特点就是经过了长时间的准备,所以这应该是很多考生都会经历的,我们来看看他的经验吧。 总分7.5,其中听力8.5,阅读8,写作7,口语6。这里说一下自己...
2016-03-25 16:17
对许多雅思考生来说,雅思口语8分是一个比较难的事情,但难并非就意味着不行。为此小编特收集整理雅思口语8分相关介绍,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。 雅思口语8分诀窍之一:准备过程的轻松 由于我只有1个月时间来准备雅...
2016-03-25 16:17
考前得益于大家的帮助,现在趁此机会将我的一些经验与大家分享,之前看很多考友的经验都过于主观,希望我能给一些尽量客观的意见给大家。 4月12号我第二次在广州考雅思(第一次在两年前),当时为4月的第二次考试,题目相对比第一次容易,听力中三个...
2016-03-25 16:17