【背景】 七夕节又叫乞巧节,起源于汉代,东晋葛洪的《西京杂记》有“汉彩女常以七月七日穿七孔针于开襟楼,人俱习之”的记载。乞巧节不是纪念牛郎织女的爱情,而是纪念织女这个人,民间又称“七姐”。 【新闻】 "...
2016-06-12 14:17
每日一句是 The sum of all human wisdom will be contained in these two words: Wait and Hope. (Alexandre Dumas) ——人类智慧...
2016-06-12 14:16
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) She likes shopping for _____ . a) clothes ...
2016-06-12 14:16
今日课题:有这么个意思:由于我是外地人,所以我不得不问路。有人这么说:Being as I was a stranger, I had to ask my way. 课题详解:这个句子是含有现在分词的复合句。现在分词是b...
2016-06-12 14:15
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) It is ______ to have a housekeeper where they live ...
2016-06-12 14:15
每日一句是 If you know how to cherish what you've got,you'd find you are having more; whereas if you keep pursuing,yo...
2016-06-12 14:15
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) What does Ivan give charity to? a) Local char...
2016-06-12 11:44
上期习题:1. 我们如何能解释最近人口激增的现象? 2. 你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢? 参考翻译:1. How can we account for the recent population explosion? ...
2016-06-12 11:44
High school students at the Startalk Chinese summer immersion school in New York City teach their favoriteChinese words!...
2016-06-12 11:43
考研英语分为了英语一和英语二,很多同学都在问两者的区别,为了更好地帮助大家做好复习,下面新东方在线小编分享考研英语一和英语二的区别详解。 一、两者各适用专业 (一)完全适用英语一的专业 1、所有学术硕士...
2016-06-12 11:39
考研英语100天倒计时备考攻略 英语一直考生们关注的重点,更是普遍认为的难点。新东方在线全国研究生入学考试研究中心英语教研室提醒大家,考研最后100天需要从以下四方面抓起,攻克英语高分。 如何攻克单词 ...
2016-06-12 11:38
考研英语作文备考已经开始了重点突击的阶段,了解一些热门的话题,对于作文的备考是很有帮助的,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考! 【考研英语作文十大重点话题预测】 1. 人口问题 2. 西部大开发 3....
2016-06-12 11:36
考研英语作文备考已经开始了重点突击的阶段,了解一些热门的话题,对于作文的备考是很有帮助的,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考! 【考研英语作文预测六大话题】 1. 漫画“瞎子摸到了真象”—— 影射国际对于中国认识的前后变化。...
2016-06-12 11:36
考研英语作文备考已经开始了重点突击的阶段,了解一些热门的话题,对于作文的备考是很有帮助的,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考! 【考研英语写作六大话题】 考研作文热点:次热门话题 ★健康:考过两次——96年提纲作...
2016-06-12 11:35
2016-06-12 11:35
一、时间段复习规划 1.九月底——十月底 对于还没有通篇完成过一遍考研英语真题的考生要注意了,你们现在处于考研大军复习队伍的后方,一定要加把劲儿啊。最晚到十月底,一定要将真题完成一遍(注意要留出最近三年的真题,冲刺...
2016-06-12 11:34
The sun is not growing weaker, yet its light appears to be dimming. Between 1960 and 1990, some scientists believe, the ...
2016-06-12 11:34
Half the game is 90 percent mental,“ Yogi Berra once said, or something like that, and science is now getting around to ...
2016-06-12 11:34
The basic workings of DNA and RNA are no mystery. It's now well known that DNA consists of four nucleotide “bases” (A, T...
2016-06-12 11:34
For 30 years, Smithsonian Institution archeologist Dennis Stanford searched in vain for the origins of the first America...
2016-06-12 11:33