新东方托福网络课程免费试听整理“2016年托福写作(toefl)典型话题及范文”更多托福写作范文、托福考试真题等! 托福独立写作模板:你是有主见的人吗 Do you agree or disagree with the...
2016-08-17 09:55
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 为广大考生整理“2016年托福写作范文:高薪好还是低薪好?”,希望对大家有所帮助,祝大家备考顺利! A job with more vacation time but a low salary is be...
2016-08-17 09:54
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 2016年新托福写作考试范文提供给各位考生备考,希望对大家有所帮助! 新托福写作考试范文:Telecommuting A folk culture is a small isolate...
2016-08-17 09:54
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, caree...
2016-08-17 09:54
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 TOPIC In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific re...
2016-08-17 09:54
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 2016年托福写作优秀范文实例提供给大家作为备考资料。 (AD) Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specif...
2016-08-17 09:53
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 Topic: Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other youn...
2016-08-17 09:53
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 TOPIC How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to su...
2016-08-17 09:53
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 TOPIC It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or d...
2016-08-17 09:53
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 托福听力的考点经常会出现在文章的首尾部分。因为美国人的表达方式的就是总分总,所以首部和尾部就是整篇托福听力材料中最重要的部分,大家一定要在这两个部分更加重视。 1. 首部规律 ...
2016-08-17 09:52
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 TOPIC Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to lear...
2016-08-17 09:50
新东方托福网络课程免费试听 Listen to part of a conversation between a student and his professor. Professor:Hi Mathew, I...
2016-08-17 09:38
我们先来回顾一个词:happen。接下来,我们就来分析含有这个词的一个病句: What’s happening with him? 这句话的意思是:他出什么事情了?Happen在这里是不及物动词,意思是“发生”,...
2016-08-16 17:30
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) Did MJ ever had a bad break up? a) Never. ...
2016-08-16 17:30
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) Vitalis likes soccer ______ . a) a little ...
2016-08-16 17:30
【背景】 针对市民来电反映的食品安全相关问题,上海市副市长沈晓明透露,本市正加紧制定食品安全“黑名单”制度,依靠监管部门的力量,同时借助消费者的力量,让这些有不良信用记录的食品从业者无生存空间。食品安全“黑名单”制度是国际上保障...
2016-08-16 17:29
今天,我们先来回顾一个词:appoint,它是及物动词,意思是“委派,任命”。下面我们就来分析含有这个词的一个病句: He was appointed as captain of the basketball team. ...
2016-08-16 17:29
听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) What would they rather be? a) Teacher b...
2016-08-16 17:29
【背景】 《天津市人体器官捐献条例》今天经天津市人大常委会审议通过,将于2013年3月1日起施行。这是我国首部专门针对公民身故后人体器官捐献的地方性法规。该条例明确规定,将向捐献者亲属颁发人体器官捐献荣誉证书,设置捐献者纪念设施...
2016-08-16 17:28
我们先来回顾一个词:allow。下面我们就来分析含有这个词的又一个病句: They don’t allow to smoke in this place. 这句话的意思是:他们不许在这里处抽烟。Allow在这句话...
2016-08-16 17:28