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英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.29)

American businesses have begun to explore how they can sell their goods and services in Iran. For many years, restrict...

2016-12-26 10:35

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.27)

Secretary of State John Kerry says a nuclear deal with Iran will make the world safer and will improve the lives of th...

2016-12-26 10:35

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(8.20)

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report. A recent agreement between the American Hear...

2016-12-26 10:35

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(8.24)

In the United States, a company is working on a project that could change the way we think about public transportation...

2016-12-26 10:35

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(8.27)

Thai officials say this week's deadly bombing at a Bangkok shrine was likely planned by at least 10 people, including ...

2016-12-26 10:35

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(6.29)

From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report. A new report says income inequality is hurting the potent...

2016-12-26 10:34

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.13)

The head of Vietnam's Communist Party visited with President Barack Obama at the White House Tuesday. Nguyen Phu Trong...

2016-12-26 10:34

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.3)

Some law enforcement officials in the United States say motorcycle clubs are criminal gangs. Investigators were especi...

2016-12-26 10:34

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.14)

Many people have long dreamed of being able to fly around as simply as riding a bicycle. Yet the safety and strength o...

2016-12-26 10:34

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.15)

The United States and United Arab Emirates launched a joint effort Wednesday to counter the Islamic State militants on...

2016-12-26 10:33

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.23)

Fish are animals that live in the water. They are also vertebrates – animals that have a backbone and a spine. They ha...

2016-12-26 10:33

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.17)

A team of scientists has found a surprise element to the social structure of baboons: democracy. The animals live in g...

2016-12-26 10:33

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.30)

Mosquitoes have an extraordinary ability to target humans far away and fly straight to their unprotected skin. Regrett...

2016-12-26 10:33

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.20)

Very dry weather is limiting the growing season of Thailand's rice crop. Thai farmers are blaming the government for n...

2016-12-26 10:33

英语四级听力只为你量身定制 每天一练(7.22)

Muslims around the world will celebrate the holiday of Eid-al-Fitr, the end of the holy month of Ramadan, on Friday. R...

2016-12-26 10:33

雅思听力高分策略:关键信息 - 雅思听力

雅思听力的目的、要求及特点 老师指出,雅思听力考查的是考生在英语环境下使用英语交流的适应力和理解力。经分析后得出雅思听力的具体要求:能听懂社交生活中的“生存语言”即“survivallanguage”,以及教育场合中的“学术性语...

2016-12-26 10:32

雅思听力素材:圣诞树 - 雅思听力

Legend suggests that, in the late 16th century, Martin Luther (the founderof the Protestant religion) was the first to d...

2016-12-26 10:32

雅思听力词汇:加拿大、美国的地名 - 雅思听力

加拿大 Canada Ottawa 渥太华 British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省 Victoria 维多利亚 Vancouver 温哥华 Alberta 艾伯塔省 ...

2016-12-26 10:32

雅思听力核心词汇—C - 雅思听力

cafeteria n.自助小餐厅 calculate v.计算,推算,估算 calorie n.热量(卡路里) campaign n.(政治性或商业性的)运动,游说,宣传活动 campus ...

2016-12-26 10:32

雅思听力中常见的人名和地名 - 雅思听力

地方: Africa, Alaska, America, Antarctica, Asia, Atlantic Ocean, Australia, Bath, Berlin, Birmingham, Brisbane...

2016-12-26 10:29
