第一次考雅思是6.5,L:6.5 R:7.5 W: 5.5 S:6.5。但是我的大学要求是7分,所以只得接着考。于是乎,我又连着考了三次,都是6.5,阅读都是7.5,听力6.5,作文5.5,口语还反而降了。
于是,我在平时练习时,都是一套阅读55分钟做完。T/F/NG 题就是我提高速度的时候,我一般都不会花太多时间在这类题上,而是做几道,然后再蒙点剩余的题。(其实,你如果把剑桥系列弄熟之后,你就会有感觉哪道题是TURE OR FALSE OR NOT GIVEN.)
我的强项是MATCHING 和 HEADING 题,一般这类的题我都不会错。我估计这也是因为做题有感觉了吧。
口语:口语我觉得真的挺靠运气的,因为我拿过6.5, 5.5, 6分。不过我还是觉得平时的积累是很重要的。从GOOGL.UK 上搜索素材,反复背诵,知道能脱口而出。
作文:这个我最有发言权了,因为我是从5.5 升到7.5的。
1, 大作文是分5种题型,要按照各类题型将文章的结构总结。文章应该分几段,每段的内容应该是什么,结尾应该讲什么。因为只有做到这样,到考试的时候,文中结构方面就不用花太多时间来思考了。
2, 要注意练习写长难句,平时就要注意多种句型的写法,定语从句,主语从句,表语从句等等。
3, 另外,连接词一定要注意。我原来曾经犯过错误,就是看雅思考官范文里的连接词并不多,到自己写时就很少使用连接词了。后来才意识到,考官用的是逻辑连接,不需要太多的连接词。但是,自己没那么高的水平,所以还是需要连接词的。
4, 关于同义词替换,这个我认为只有靠平时的积累。多注意变词性,形容词替换,动词替换。
5, 避免用low quality的词,这些词虽然不会扣分,但会给考官一种不好的印象:你的作文水平不高。举例:a lot, get, what’ s more, firstly , secondly, thirdly, maybe
6, 注意尽量少犯语法错误了。平时写完后要注意修改。
7, 如果想拿高分的话,小作文应该在180字左右,大作文应该至少300字。
其实,我作文之所以能进步这么多,要归功于新东方批改网的一位外教. 他是我的指导老师,一共帮我改了7篇作文。我选的是在线面批,我几乎是让他一句一句的帮我分析这个句子写得好不好。我觉得让老外帮你改作文的话,比较地道,而且你也会知道你的问题出在哪里。像我以前就会用很多low quality的作文,语法错误也较多。
Nowadays, a large number of people choose to move into cities from agricultural areas as a result of a higher standard of living and better job opportunities in cities. At the same time, such a trend can cause numerous problems for both rural areas and urban areas. There are a number of problems in cities resulting from this trend, but the principal factor lies in the housing problem. It is the fact that the demand for housing rise, as people in increasing numbers choose to work and live in cities. As a result, there is a possibility that the housing prices will increase due to the demand exceeding the supply, which could cause a new problem for people who either live in cities all the time or move into cities from rural areas. Another problem is that a growing number of people may find it difficult to find satisfying jobs. This is largely because when there are more people in a certain city, looking for jobs will become more difficult. A number of problems can also be found in rural areas. One of the most serious problems is that the fields may decline, as people in increasing numbers choose to move away from their home. This is partly because when people leave farmlands for cities, there are not enough people farming. In addition to this, many rural areas may experience a slower development, as many people leave agricultural areas, which is harmful for the economy of rural areas. Consequently, measures should be take in order to address the problems that this trend brings about. Some factories can be set up in rural areas, which could offer many job opportunities to people living there. Furthermore, the government should take some action to help farmers’ lives. Nowadays, a large number of people choose to move into cities from agricultural areas as a result of a higher standard of living and better job opportunities in cities. At the same time, such a trend can cause numerous problems for both rural areas and urban areas. There are a number of problems in cities resulting from this trend, but the principal factor lies in the housing problem. It is the fact that the demand for housing rise, as people in increasing numbers choose to work and live in cities. As a result, there is a possibility that the housing prices will increase due to the demand exceeding the supply, which could cause a new problem for people who either live in cities all the time or move into cities from rural areas. Another problem is that a growing number of people may find it difficult to find satisfying jobs. This is largely because when there are more people in a certain city, looking for jobs will become more difficult. A number of problems can also be found in rural areas. One of the most serious problems is that the fields may decline, as people in increasing numbers choose to move away from their home. This is partly because when people leave farmlands for cities, there are not enough people farming. In addition to this, many rural areas may experience a slower development, as many people leave agricultural areas, which is harmful for the economy of rural areas. Consequently, measures should be take in order to address the problems that this trend brings about. Some factories can be set up in rural areas, which could offer many job opportunities to people living there. Furthermore, the government should take some action to help farmers’ lives.