发布时间: 2016年03月04日
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作文分 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
得分率 100 94 87 80 74 67 60 54 47 40 34 27 20 14 7
Nowadays, many parents do everything for their children. They cook meals and wash clothes for their children. And they even make all the choices for their children. Everything has done by the parents and the children will do nothing but following the parents’ decisions。
In order to help children to be independent, parents should follow the suggestions given below. First, let children do some housework, such as washing dishes and cleaning rooms. These works will not take too much time, but they are suitable for children to learn to live independently. Second, give the chance to manage the family to children. As a family member, child should know how to manage the family. And the parents should teach them this kind of skills. In this way, children can learn the necessary abilities to live on their own. And most important, give freedom to children and let them make their own choice. Only in this way can children grow up healthily。
上一篇: 2016年英语四级作文题目:关于占座
下一篇: 英语四级常见低分作文:5分范文