当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2024年3月10日雅思口语考试回忆及解析
新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2018年03月12日


1. Describe a business leader that you admire.
2. Describe an activity you do to keep fit
3. Describe a photo that you remember wella
4. Describe something you bought that made you happy
5. Describe an advertisement you have seen recently
Describe an activity you do to keep fit
You should say:
What you do
When, where you usually do it
How you do it
And explain why it can keep you fit
I'm going to talk about swimming, which is one of the most popular sports in China.
There are swimming pools everywhere and many people, old and young, like to hit the pool, especially in the summer. I swim about 3 times a week. In the summer, in those really scorching months, I go more often, like every other day. There's a pool within walking distance of my home and that's where I like to swim cos the pool water there is pretty clean and warm.
How I do it ... well, honestly, I'm not sure how to talk about this point ... Um, I just go there and swim for about an hour or so and then I take a shower before heading home.
I like this sport mainly because it helps me keep fit and shed pounds. I used to have a sweet tooth and I always snacked on some chocolate and ice cream and many other calorie-laden things. Then, about 3 years ago, I decided to live a healthy life and that was when I made up my mind to go swimming on a regular basis. I've lost about 20 pounds over the past couple of years.
Plus, swimming builds my endurance and muscle strength. Every time after swimming, I feel like it has given me an energy boost.


