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发布时间: 2017年08月02日

2017年托福语法之副词 真题要点解析


2017年托福语法之副词 真题要点解析。语法知识是考生们必须去掌握的,有语法知识作支撑,在做题的时候就会方便很多。小编为同学们介绍托福语法之副词 真题要点解析,供大家参考。

1 副词与形容词的功能区别:形容词修饰名词;副词修饰除名词以外的所有词性及句子成分

[例1] The ordeal of the Cherokee Indians, who were forcible moved from their homeland in the 1830*s, is remembered as the *Tears*. (91.10)

[答案] B 修饰动词moved应用副词forcibly。

[例2] Although the United States experienced rapidly growth in the first half of the nincieenth century, it was still predominately concerned with agriculture and forestry. (93.10)

[答案] A 修饰名词growth应用形容词rapid,而不用副词rapidly。 此题是TOEEL常考类型题。请注意以- ly后缀构成的副词通常是命题焦点。

2. 否定词not与形容词no的区别

解题要点: 区分副词not和形容词no的命题是TOEEL常考的题型,主要分布在structure (1-15题)中。当not或no出现在选择答案中,应首先判断它所修饰的中心词的词性以决定选哪一个否定词。


(1) Since Alaska attained statehood in 1959------- single party has dominated politics there.

(A) none

(B) no

(C) not

(D) never (94.1)

[答案] B 修饰中心名词party应用形容词no,而非副词not。

(2) ------- social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams enthusiasm more than the expansion of the United States.

(A) No

(B) Nothing

(C) Not

(D) None (91.10)

[答案] 修饰主语名词crusade 应用形容词no. 而非副词not。

(3) ------- all rainwater falling from a cloud reaches the ground, some of it is lost through evaporation.

(A) Nowhere

(B) Not

(C) No

(D) None (91.8)

[答案] B 修饰形容词all应用否定副词not。Not all (不是所有的)是固定短语搭配,表示的是部分否定,not all = sosme。

(4) The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is ------- clearly understood.

(A) none

(B) no

(C) not

(D) nor (90.5)

[答案] C 否定系词is,应用副词not。

(5) Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933. When Frances Perkins became secretary of labor. (89.1)

[答案] A Not 改为No.

3. 辨别词形相近的副词和形容词

hare (努力、副词)- hardly (几乎不、副词)

close (接近、形容词)- closely (接近、副词)

near (接近、形容词)- nearly (几乎、副词)

most (大多数的、形容词)-mostly(主要地、副词)

late (迟、晚、形容词)-lately(最近、副词)


(1) Glaciers that develop nearly the North and South Poles advance into the sea. Break into pieces, and become icebergs. (90.8)

[答案] B 副词nearly意思是“几乎”。此句应改为near(接近)。

(2) Those electrons most closely to the nucleus are held electromagnetic force. (92.1)

[答案] B most closely 改为most close。

(3) Chief Joseph Flesche. A vigorous Omaha leader, worked hardly to make his nation a proud and progressive one. (93.1)

[答案] B hardly (几乎不)改为hard(努力)。

上述就是小编为同学们介绍的2016年托福语法之副词 真题要点解析,祝大家考试顺利。




