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新东方在线 英语四级培训



发布时间: 2017年05月17日




1. Connected to a wave-front sensor that tracks and measures the course of a laser beam into the eye and back, the aluminum mirror detects the deficiencies of the cornea, the transparent protective layer covering the lens of the human eye. (2003. 阅读. 6. Text 4)
【析句】主句the alumium mirror detects the deficiencies of the cornea,主句后,the transpartent protective layer...作the cornea的同位语短语,其中covering the lens of the human eye是现在分词作定语修饰the transparent...layer, 而主句前,connected to a wave-front sensor...是过去分词作主句主语the aluminum的定语,而a wave-front sensor后有that引导的定语从句修饰。

2. The highly precise data from the two instruments - which, Bille hopes, will one day be found at the opticians all over the world - serve as a basis for the production of completely individualized contact lenses that correct and enhance the wearer's vision. (2003. 阅读. 6. Text 4)
【析句】主句The highly precise data serve as basis for the production o...contact lenses,破折号后,which will one day be found at the opticians...作定语从句修饰the two instruments, 同时也作Bille hopes的宾语从句。而主句中the wearer's...contact lenses后有that引导的定语从句修饰。

3. By day, Bille's contact lenses will focus rays of light so accurately on the retina that the image of a small leaf or the outline of a far distant tree will be formed with a sharpness that surpasses that of conventional vision aids by almost half a diopter. (2003. 阅读. 6. Text 4)
【析句】主句Bille's contact lenses will focus rays of light so accurately on the retina that the image of...will be formed with a sharpness,主句的主干结构是so...that...,that引导结果状语从句。而且在从句中,that surpasses that of...是a shaprness的定语从句,第一个that是定语从句的引导词,第二个that替代the sharpness。

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