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发布时间: 2016年11月22日


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1-3. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free. Which of the following class will you choose to take: a financial course to help you manage money, car maintenance and repair, or review of Latin-American music?

In terms of these choices, I prefer to have the review of Latin-American music.

Firstly, the music may help me to relieve my pressure. Latin-American’s music’s rhythms are fast and happy, the melodies are usually euphonious and exciting, Shakira, for example, she is my favorite singer, listening to her music, I may forget many troubles in my life.

And also, this course is beneficial to my study. Actually my major is the music education, by attending this course, I may better review the features of this music, its history, its styles, its representatives and so on. All these may help me better understand this type of music.

That’s why I prefer to have the review of Latin-American music.

2-3. If you were to choose a class to study for fun, which one would you choose, an art class or a science class?

In terms of these two kinds of classes, I prefer the art class.

Firstly, the art class may help me to relieve the pressure. In the art class, I may have the chance to listen to different genres of music, such as the Latin music, the classical music, the pop music and so on. The euphonious melodies and the good rhythms may make me feel fabulous and relaxed.

And also the art class may help to cultivate my temperament. I am a painting lover, if I paint something in the art class, I may have to sit before the painting board for hours, concentrating and thinking how I should paint, which needs me to be patient, then my character may be milder in the future.

➤Place and travel:

1-13. Some countries now take measures to attract a large amount of foreign tourists. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of attracting a large amount of foreign tourists. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

I think the advantage of attracting so many people is that it is good for the increase of the economy in that country. Tourists will pay for the hotels, tickets of the tourism attraction, buying the souvenirs and so on; all these will increase the revenue of that country and more people will find jobs.

However, just like a coin has two sides. The disadvantage is that it may have some adverse effects on the tourism relics. Some tourists may not have good manners, such as carving their names on relics, throwing rubbish, spitting at will and so on. All these may damage the historic and cultural relics of that country.

That’s my ideas, thank you.

1-15.Where would you choose to live, close to where your workplace or school, close to your family, or close to public transits and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your choice.

I will definitely choose to live near my workplace or school.

Firstly, this may help me save time. For example, if I rent a house near my workplace, I may spend around 5 mins getting to my company. Then I will have more time to sleep or do my work. If I live in a far place, I may spend one or two hours commuting. It’s time wasting.

And also, this may help me save money. For example, if I live nearby, I may walk to workplace and spend no money. However, if I live far from my company, I may have to spend much money on the gas or taxi fare. It’s not economical.

So that’s why I prefer to live near my workplace or school.

1-24.The university is organizing a visit to one of the following workplaces—a science lab, a business office, or a TV studio. Which will you choose to visit and why? Please include reasons and details in your explanation.

In terms of these three places, I like the TV studio best.

The main reason is that I am interested in and my major is the TV programming.

If having the chance to visit the TV studio, I will get the more vivid impression of the TV making process, such as how to manipulate the machines, how to use the software to edit the program, how to set the lighting and so on; all these can make me better understand what I have learnt. Compared with the classroom teaching, this real condition is more attractive. While the other two choices, they are not directly correlated with my hobby and my major.

That’s why I like the TV studio visit best.

2-4. After graduation, some people like to stay in large cities to work, while some people prefer to return to their hometowns that may not be so prosperous. Which one do you prefer and why?

In terms of these two choices, I prefer to stay in large cities to work.

Firstly, there are more job chances in large cities. Taking Beijing, the capital of my country, for example, many international companies or famous enterprises set their headquarters there, that means I may find better jobs and have more chances to be admitted by them when I graduate from my school.

And also, the average salary tends to be higher than that in the small towns. For example, my major is language teaching, if I became a teacher in the future, my initial salary in Beijing is around 800 dollars; however, if in my hometown, the initial salary is only around 500 dollars.

So that’s why I prefer to stay in large cities to work.

2-10.When finding a place to live near the campus, some people prefer to share a house with several others. Others prefer to rent an apartment alone. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

In terms of these two choices, I prefer to share a house with several people.

Firstly, this may relieve my economic burden. For example, if having a house with others, we may split the rent; the roommates and me may pay the rent together. If living alone, that means I may have to pay all the rent by myself.

And also, living with others is more interesting. Cause after a whole day’s study, we may share many things together, such as the delicious food we eat, the interesting people we meet, the difficulties we have in our daily life; all these make my life more enjoyable. However, if living alone, I may not have the chance to chat with others.

2-17.Some people prefer to live in spacious and new places far from their workplace and/or school whereas others prefer to live in small and old places near their workplace and/or school. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.

Although it may be a bit small and old, I will definitely choose to live near my workplace or school.

Firstly, this may help me save time. For example, if I rent a house near my workplace, I may spend around 5 mins getting to my company. Then I will have more time to sleep or do my work. If I live in a far place, I may spend one or two hours commuting.

And also, this may help me save money. For example, if I live nearby, I may walk to workplace and spend no money. However, if I live far from my company, I may have to spend much money on the gas or taxi fare.

I think the time and money are more important than the large space.

2-21.Some people prefer to go traveling for their vacation. Others prefer to stay at home. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

In terms of these two choices, I prefer to go travelling for vacation.

Firstly, I have more chances to taste different foods to relax myself. On vacation, if I go travelling, such as flying to Thailand, I may taste the authentic curry food, such as curry chicken, curry crab and so on. If I just stay at home, I may lose the chance to taste different food.

And also, this may broaden my horizons. On vacation, if I fly to America, I may admire the views of Statue of Liberty, the White house and so on. If I fly to France, I may appreciate the wonderful Eiffel Tower, the Louvre. However, if staying at home, my vacation may not be so interesting.

That’s my answer, thank you.


1-9. You are admitted to two universities at the same time. One is prestigious but has a high tuition and the other is not but gives you a scholarship. Which would you go to and why?

In terms of these two choices, I prefer to choose the prestigious university.

Firstly, the prestigious university may better help me develop myself. Graduating from the prestigious university, I may find a better job, step into a more famous enterprise, know great guys, even help me find a more desired girlfriend. Education is the lifelong choice.

As for the high tuition, people can apply for loans from the bank, or the scholarship from university, and can even borrow money from relatives to pass the difficult period. After all, the difficulty is temporary.

That’s why I think going to a famous university is a more reasonable choice.

1-10. A friend of yours always gets up late in the morning and misses his morning classes. The professor has told him that this behavior will affect his grade. What advice would you give him and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

In terms of this condition, I may give him two suggestions.

One is that he should go to sleep earlier than before. To be scientific, if an adult gets around 8 hours’ sleep, he may not feel sleepy and will feel energetic. If he adjusts his biological clock, maybe two hours earlier than before, goes to bed at before 10 o’clock, he will get up early in the future.

Another advice is that he can set more alarm clocks. Now he may only set one alarm clock, once its goes off, he may just turn it off. If he sets several alarms, maybe four or five different alarms positioned at different places in his room, then he may be more likely to be woken up.


2-8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: protecting the environment is just as important as developing the economy?

I definitely agree protecting environment is just as important as developing the economy.

Cause both of them can make us live better. If the economic condition is good, people may have enough money to buy what they need and what they like, buying a TV or a car to make life more interesting and convenient. Also the environment is important too, if the sky is always blue, the air is clear and fresh, the streets or parks are adorned with beautiful flowers and affluent trees and so on, then people will have a better mood, enabling them to work and study happily. However, if the environment is not good, smog or sand storms are quite often, people will not feel happy no matter how rich they are.


1-1. Which one of the following would you take as a part-time job 一 a position as a lab assistant, campus tour guide, or library clerk and why? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

In terms of these choices, I’d like to be a campus tour guide.

Firstly, being a tour guide may help me lose my weight. Honestly I’m a bit overweight now, if I became a tour guide, I may often show people around the campus, I may have to walk constantly, maybe each time I can walk for around 10 kilometers; this can burn my fat and I might be thinner several months later.

And also, this may help me relieve myself. Being a campus tour guide means I may constantly walk in the campus, out in the nature, I may smell the fragrant flowers, feel the sunshine and so on; all these make me feel fabulous and relaxing.

That’s why I’d like to be a campus tour guide.




