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发布时间: 2016年11月22日


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1-2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of requiring students to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Honestly speaking, there are the advantages and disadvantages.

As for the merit, this can motivate the professors to enhance their teaching quality. Knowing the feedback, the professor may make some perfection on their contents, logic, teaching methods and so on. All the improvement may better satisfy students’ need.

However, there is the disadvantage that some students may not give the objective assessments. Some students’ evaluations are merely based on their own preferences instead of the academic need or angle; or some students may only join in part of the lessons and they don't know the overall views of the lessons. Thus, their evaluations may not be significant.

1-16. How do you improve the education system of your country. Give your specific explanation in your response.

I think the schools in my country should add more P.E. classes.

Cause this can tremendously improve students’ physical constitution and decrease the obesity. Nowadays many students suffer from the excessive study burden, the lack of doing exercise; and what they eat are rich in fat and sugar. The obesity among students is common. If the schools, especially high schools, can add more P.E. classes, such as 5 or 6 times a week and each class lasts for around 1 or 2 hours. Then students will have more chances to do sports, such as the yoga, swimming, basketball and so on. All these can help them keep a balance between study and exercise, As a result, students will be less likely to get fat and this is good for children’s growth.

2-1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents today put more pressure on their children than parents in the past? Explain why. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

In my view, parents put more pressure on children nowadays.

The main reason I think is the average educational backgrounds of people have been greatly increased. Taking my country for example, in the past, many people’s educational backgrounds were limited, most of them had never been to colleges or merely got the bachelor degrees in the university, and they could also find good jobs. However, nowadays, many people around me not only get the bachelor degree, even they have the master degrees or doctor degrees; or they have the oversea study backgrounds, such as the experience in America, Australia, Britain and so on. If students don’t study well, they are less likely to be competitive. As a result, parents put more pressure on them, regulating them more strictly.


1-8. Which of the following would you like to learn: playing the piano, swimming, or repairing a car? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Of all these things, I’d like to learn how to swim.

Firstly, the swimming may help me lose my weight. Honestly now I’m a little bit overweight, if I join in the swimming team in my school, I will swim four times a week and each time I will swim at least 1000 meters. This may burn my fat and I might be thinner months later.

And also, this sport could help me have more friends. Now all of my friends are from my own class. If I join in the swimming team, I may meet people from other departments or faculties, such as the history department, art faculty or the media department and so on. Then my friends’ circle will be enlarged.

That’s why I’d like to learn the swimming.

1-22.Students attend different clubs in college, such as the science club, hiking club, etc. Which one are you interested in? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

In terms of these two clubs, I’d like to choose the hiking club.

Firstly, this club may help me lose my weight. Honestly now I’m a little bit overweight, if I join in the hiking club in my school, I will hike several times a week with other friends and each time we may hike at least 10 kilometers. This may burn my fat and I might be thinner months later.

And also, this sport could help me have more friends. Now all of my friends are from my own class. If I join in the swimming team, I may meet people from other departments or faculties, such as the history department, art faculty or the media department and so on. Then my friends’ circle will be enlarged.

That’s why I’d like to join in the hiking club.

1-12. Your school has received a gift of money. What do you think is the best way for your school to spend this money: improving student life, sports facilities, or research technology? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

In my view, I recommend the school to invest the money in the sports facilities.

First of all, the sports facilities may help students keep healthy and lose weight. If there is a gym on the campus, then students will have more chances to do different sports, such as yoga, swimming, badminton, table tennis and so on. All these may burn their fat and they can keep a balance between work and study.

And also, doing sport could help students have more friends. When they are in the sport teams, not only they can meet people from their own classes but they may also meet people from different departments or faculties, such as the history department, art faculty and so on. Then their friends’ circle will be enlarged.


1-17. What food do you think the university cafeteria should add to its menu in order to attract more people? Please include examples to support your explanation.

Personally speaking, I recommend the school to add the fruit salad in its cafeteria.

First of all, this dish is very delicious. There can be a variety of fruits in the dish, such as the bananas, apples, kiwifruits, grapes and so on. These fruits are sweet or a little bit sour. When they are mixed together, adding the salad dressing or the thousand-island sauce, this dish will be welcomed.

Second of all, this dish will well satisfy the needs of many students who are losing weight. This dish is composed of fruits and fruits are rich in vitamin and are low in fat. Many dieting students, especially girls, may choose to eat it.

So that’s why I recommend the fruit salad.


1-11. Talk about your favorite book when you were a child, explain why you liked to read it in details.

When I was a child, my favorite book was definite the Happy Potter.

To begin with, this book brings me much imagination. For example, whenever I read the interesting things happened in the magic school and adventures from Harry and his friends, my imagination will be evoked and a lot of illusions will be appearing in my mind. The feeling is wonderful.

What’s more, this book greatly improves my writing skills. I am a Chinese student learning English. This book’s descriptions are vivid; by reading them I learnt how to use metaphor, parallelism, exaggeration, understatement and so on. Also the book enlarges my vocabulary. All these contribute to a better writing.

So I think Happy Potter is really a good book.

2-16. Some people prefer to buy new books while others prefer to buy used ones. Which do you prefer? Please use examples and reason to support your choice.

To be honest, I prefer to buy the used books.

First of all, buying the used ones can help save money. Now I am a college student, at the beginning of every semester, I may have to buy some textbooks I will use. If I buy the new ones, it may cost me around 100 dollars; however, if I buy the used ones from others, it only cost me around 20 dollars.

Second of all, this can help us to protect the environment. Actually the papers from the books are made of the woods. If we always buy new books, that means people will have to cut more trees, and this may result in the soil erosion, the sand storm and so on. If we buy the used one, people will cut fewer trees.

2-15.Some people prefer to listen to audio books whereas others prefer to read printed books. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your choice.

To be honest, I prefer to listen to audio books

Firstly, audio books are more convenient. For example, when I am in the crowd on my way to school, hardly will I have the room to hold a printed book, let alone reading. However, if listening to the audio ones, plugging my earphones, I won’t be disturbed by the crowd or the noises.

And also, this can help us to protect the environment. Actually the papers from the books are made of the woods. If we always buy printed books, that means people will have to cut more trees, and this may result in the soil erosion, the sand storm and so on. If we use the audio ones, people will cut fewer trees.


1-18. Which member in your family shares similar traits and behavior with you and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your explanation.

The family member having similar traits with me is absolutely my father. We are very extroverted.

For example, both my father and I like to make friends. My father always joins in some clubs, such as the golf club, the skiing club, the wine club and so on, to know some new people. And he always shares with us about the new things and new friends he meets. Also I am fond of making new friends. Now I am the sophomore, I have joined in many communities in my school, such as the basketball team, the roller skating team and so on. There I make many friends and we often do sports or watch matches together, which makes me very happy.

1-21. Describe a member in your family whose personality is different. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

The family member having different trait from my father and me is absolutely my mother. She is introverted while my father and me are extroverted.

For example, both my father and I like to make friends. My father always joins in some clubs, such as the golf club, the wine club and so on, to know some new people. And he always shares with us about the new things. Also I am fond of making new friends. I have joined in many communities in my school. However, my mother likes to stay at home, reading magazines and books, doing chores, playing the piano and so on. She seldom goes out.

Although our personalities are a bit different, we get along very well.

1-20. Which of the following occupations do you consider the most important for the city, a policeman, a public transportation worker, or a building designer? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

I think the police officers are the most important to a city.

Firstly, the police officers can ensure the safety of our society. Because of their hard work, our general public can be away from the thieves, criminals or the terrorists. We seldom have to worry that our treasure will be stolen or our lives will be threatened.

And also, the police officers help us maintain the orders of our society. For example, but for the traffic policemen’ s directing the traffic, we may not be able to get to where we want to go, especially during the peak hours. The traffic will be a complete mess.

So that’s why I think a police officer is the most important to our society.


1-14. If you are recruited as a volunteer to help the community protect the environment, which of the following would you choose to do: cleaning up trash and litter on the street, planting trees and flowers in town or teaching children to be environmentally friendly?

In terms of these choices, I’d like to plant trees and flowers in town.

For one thing, if more trees are planted, then we may breathe fresher airs. As is known, the trees, such as the poplars, willows, pines and so on, can absorb the waste gas, such as the carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or the sulfur dioxide and so forth.

For another, the flowers can help us to beautify our town. Flowers, such as the roses, lily, peach blossom and so on, can beautify the surroundings. If more flowers are planted, then the fragrance of the flowerers may make people feel warm and refreshed.

So that’s why I prefer to plant trees and flowers. Thank you.


1-6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement—our life today is better than the life in the past? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

I definitely think the life today is better than that in the past.

Nowadays, our communication has been much easier. Several decades ago, we may only rely on telephones or letters. However, nowadays, we may know each other through many other ways, such as the Twitter, Facebook, We chat and so on. Not only can we hear the voice but we can also see the photos or videos from others any time we like.

Also, the education resources have been more affluent. When my parents were young, they hardly got any chance to study abroad. However, nowadays, young people in my country can study at any countries they like, like the prosperous America and Canada and so on. They gain more opportunities.

So that’s why I think our life has been better than that in the past.




