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发布时间: 2016年11月02日

2016托福口语备考:down and dirty的各种用法解释

新东方托福网络课程免费试听 为您整理了”2016托福口语备考:down and dirty的各种用法解释“,供广大考生备考使用。祝您考试顺利!

  小编第一次看到“down and dirty”,直觉这是一个贬义词“低下 脏”。可翻阅大量词典、网页才发现“down and dirty”的用法可不是这么简单的!本文为大家详细介绍down and dirty的用法。


  adj. or adv.


  e.g.the down and dirty truth

  2.made or done hastily:not revised or polished

  e.g.down and dirty solution

  3.marked by or given to fierce often unscrupulous competition

  e.g.down and dirty campaigning


  e.g.down and dirty sexuality


  e.g. a down and dirty neighborhood

  6.relating to or involved with what is crudely basic and practical

  e.g down and dirty detail

  二、影视《好汉两个半(Two and a Half Men)》

  [Cut to the house. Charlie and a group of questionable men are sitting around the table playing poker. Jake is hovering near Charlie.]

  Man: Alright, last card, down and dirty. King’s bet.

  Man 2: Dollar.

  Man 3: I’m in.

  Man 4: In.

  Charlie: I’ll see the dollar and raise it five.

  The term commonly used by seven-card stud poker players. This phrase refers to the last card dealt in 7 card stud because it is dealt face down and can change the potential of winning or drawing out.

  A player will use the phrase right before the last card is dealt out "one more card, down and dirty".

  文化背景介绍:七张牌梭哈扑克(Seven Card Stud) 是梭哈扑克游戏最受欢迎的一种,牌手在2到8个人之间。每个牌手总共都会被发给7张牌,3张面向下,4张面向上。

  第七张也是最后一张牌盖着发给每个牌手。 进程和前面一样,所有的活动都必须符合高限定级别。有非常少见的情况是8个牌手在这个阶段仍然都在场,可能没有足够的牌发给每个人,如果发生这种情况,就不给每个人发牌,而是拿出一张牌朝上放在桌子中间作为公用牌,牌手可以自由选择看能否组成一手最好的牌。

  摊牌(Showdown) - 在最后一轮下注后还没有盖牌的牌手现在可以选择把他们手里的牌都亮出来,希望可以拿走彩池中的赌注。最后下注的人第一个摊牌,然后按顺时针进行,任何一个幸存的牌手可以选择出示他们的牌或把牌扔掉。通常情况下如果牌手觉得自己不会赢的话,他们都会选择扔掉手里的牌而不想让对手看到手中的牌。


  Down就是下面,down and dirty这个习惯用语是指在采取行动的时候不顾一般的行为准则,不考虑这一行动是否公平,是否正当。


  The papers all say this campaign was as down and dirty as any they can remember. Both sides circulated unfounded rumors and spread stories about the other candidate's personal life. The voters were glad when it was all over.


  This guy ran a real down and dirty campaign; every day he started more rumors about our man's honesty and personal life. But the voters saw he was lying so we easily beat him.


  down and dirty中的dirty就解释为“不正当的, 卑鄙的”,而down在这儿的意思是下流阴险的。所以down and dirty表示的意思类似于dirty pool和shady deal, 都指正派人不屑于做的卑鄙勾当。

  四、The Daily

  The Daily Beast’s Down Dirty Guide to Colleges Methodology

  College rankings are ubiquitous, confusing, and often indiscriminate. The Daily Beast’s Down Dirty Guide to the Best Colleges aims to change that, ranking schools primarily on what students actually care about: their shot at getting a good job, and making a good living.




