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发布时间: 2016年08月19日


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  伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因(Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn 1606年7月15日- 1669年10月4日)是欧洲17世纪最伟大的画家之一,也是荷兰历史上最伟大的画家。台湾简称为林布兰特。伦勃朗早年从师P.拉斯特曼,1625 年在家乡开设画室。画作体裁广泛,擅长肖像画、风景画、风俗画、宗教画、历史画等。


  Rembrandt is the most famous of theseventeenth-century Dutch painters. However, there are doubts whether somepaintings attributed to Rembrandt were actually painted by him. One such paintingis known as attributed to Rembrandt because of its style, and indeed therepresentation of the woman’s face is very much like that of portraits known tobe by Rembrandt. But there are problems with the painting that suggest it couldnot be a work by Rembrandt.


  First, there is something inconsistentabout the way the woman in the portrait is dressed. She is wearing a whitelinen cap of a kind that only servants would wear-yet the coat she is wearinghas a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford. Rembrandt, who wasknown for his attention to the details of his subjects’ clothing, would nothave been guilty of such an inconsistency.


  Second, Rembrandt was a master of paintinglight and shadow, but in this painting these elements do not fit together. Theface appears to be illuminated by light reflected onto itfrom below. But belowthe face is the dark fur collar, which would absorb light rather than reflectit. So the face should appear partially in shadow-which is not how it appears.Rembrandt would never have made such an error.


  Finally, examination of the back of thepainting reveals that it was painted on a panelmade of several pieces of woodglued together. Although Rembrandt often painted on wood panels, no paintingknown to be by Rembrandt uses a panel glued together in thisway from severalpieces of wood.


  For these reason the painting was removedfrom the official catalog of Rembrandt’s paintings in the 1930s.



  -Main point: The painting is not a work by Rembrandt.

  -Sub point 1: There is something inconsistent about the way the woman inthe portrait is


  -Sub point 2: Light and shadow do not fit together.

  -Sub point 3: Panel made of several pieces of wood glued together whichis never done by Rembrandt.




