当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2016年新托福写作考试范文:独处和朋友一起哪个好?
新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2016年08月18日


新东方托福网络课程免费试听 2016年新托福写作考试范文提供给各位考生备考,希望对大家有所帮助。

Some people prefer to spend most of their timealone. Others like to be with friends of the time.Do you prefer to spend your time alone or withfriends? Use specific reasons to support youranswer.

If I had to choose between spending time alone orspending time with my friends, I'd rather be alone. Ineed this time alone to “recharge my batteries,” tore-energize my mind and spirit. Being with friendscan be fun and can help you get through the roughspots in life, but it's the time alone, I think, that forms you as a person.

When I'm alone, I have time to think about my goals and to develop a strategy to reach them.Of course, I can think about these things when I'm with others, but it's harder to concentratein a crowd. Being alone gives me the quiet time to really think about my life and what I want todo with it.

Being by myself is also a good way to listen to the silence and relax completely. When I'malone I can practice meditation and lower my stress level. That's a very good way to sharpenmy powers of concentration. Too much time with friends means filling my mind with a lot ofchitchats. That's enjoyable for a moment, but can dull my concentration.

Being with other people can also distort my view of things. It's easy sometimes to become tooworried about what other people think of me, or what other people have that I don't. When I'malone I have time to step back. I can see the real value of things, without being influenced bythe opinions of my friends.

It's natural to want to be with other people, but I find the time I spend alone is more valuableto me in the long run.




