发布时间: 2016年07月22日
Answer the following questions about the video.
1) Buddhini _______ things happen for a reason.
a) believes
b) doesn't believe
2) She talks about ______ .
a) repeating mistakes
b) facing fears
3) She says circumstances _______ .
a) teach us lessons
b) are never predictable
Topic:Do things happen for a reason?
Hello everybody. This is Buddhini for elllo.org. I'm from Sri Lanka, and today the topic is ... do you think that everything happens for a reason? In my opinion - yes -everything happens for a reason and I think that every circumstance that you have to face, every thing that happens in your life, is for a reason, and it is to teach you a lesson and it is kind of like preparing you for the future, in case you were wrong there. Maybe you can remember the lesson and you can not repeat the mistakes in your future. What do you think? Do you think that everything happens for a reason?
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