发布时间: 2016年07月22日
3)语言搭配不合理、语法错误多者 “被小刀剐死”
比如2009年的 “网络”,有的同学不会写外面的那个蜘蛛网,那你就从屋里的人物写啊,干吗那么实诚?The picture above describes many youngsters, who are sitting intheir rooms. Some of them are staring at their computers, while others areplaying games or chatting with their friends. Obviously, all of them show greatinterest in the Internet world around.(那个蜘蛛网明明就是障眼法,能写则写,不能写就换个角度)
一个人的图,就动作神态,用意识流手法加个心理分析,无非是悲观、乐观、(形容词别老is/are/, 变成become increasingly…, full of…/seem to be…/appear…/look…)一些物体词汇能写则写,不写放弃,
比如2008年那年的“拐杖”不会写,可以:The picture above describes two youngsters, who are standingshoulder to shoulder. The two young people are moving steadily forward along apath. However, neither of them seems to be depressed and anxious. Rather, bothof them become increasingly self-confident and cheerful, even though they eachhave only one leg.(注意这里的几个处理的技巧:1)考生其实不会写拐杖,但是他没有硬写,因为那样基本就“死菜”了,考生考上后跟我说:“我本来就不会写拐杖,那么何必想这个词怎么写呢?还不如大胆猜想这两个人的情绪,2)不会写残疾人,就在最后带一下,虽然比较血腥吧,也没看见什么disabled,handicapped这类的所谓大词,但是考官基本上能看懂,不会给你满分,但是也不会给你低分。)
2) 如果是物体动物为中心,那可能得写象征点主题:至少得留一个主动用法、一个被动用法备用,如stand for, can be regarded as a symbol as,用这几个词点主题就行了。如果根本没有主题归纳的意识,这种文章的描述就会写得比较少,因为内容本身没有什么可描述的,用象征直接点中心思想就可以,不要“纠缠”。
2) 没有主题的“猝死”类型:这种考生有一个共同的特点,那就是他们都不仔细阅读图画下方的文字暗示,并通过对这个文字暗示进行分析,进而归纳出文章要考的主题。他们的注意力大多集中在模板文章的默写。可惜的是,大多数文章的“模板句”如果不能和文章的主题相关,他们写出的文章自然就是套话连篇、内容空洞,自然也就不可能得到满意的分数了。
The picturehighlight a focal social point, that is, friendship and communication isindispensable.(错误1) To begin with, it is not only beneficialfor advance of a nation, but also essential for development of a person. (错误2)What is more, it (错误3)can teach people treat others withsympathy, sincerity and love. Still, it can help people obtain moreopportunities in the competition and achieve themselves in the prospectivecareer. Last but not the least, it will certainly exert positive influence onsustainable development of society.
点评:虽然考生在上述段落中用了一些难词,比如indispensable, essential, sympathy, sincerity, 但是得分仍然不高。只从语法单词的角度看,这篇文章的错误似乎并不多,但是文章将主题句写成了friendship and communication is indispensable,可是2008年文章主题是“合作”,考官阅读时肯定会有一种文不对题的感觉。这篇文章告诉我们,如果考生在没有看懂题目的情况下就开始写作,即使写了象indispensable这样的“大词”,语法结构也没有错误,只要是文不对题,考官仍然会毫不客气地给出低分。因为看不到合作(或者那么是合作的近义词)考官就会立刻失去耐性,认为你根本就没看懂题目,他“失性”、你“猝死”。
建议:这个考生的写作基础其实并不弱,但是他拿到文章之后,没有通过题目中的文字暗示判定写作主题,而是很随意地按照自己的想法,而不是文章的主题词写作。其实这个同学只要明确文章的主题“合作”,然后把句子重新组织一下就可以了,具体写法如下:The primary purpose of this picture is to show (套话要少写)that a growingnumber of people have come to realize that cooperation is not only necessary,but also indispensable for one’s career.(首句用“重要性”的句子点题,) As a result, they increasingly stressing the fundamental role of cooperation in today’s society(延伸句1) By doing so, they can improve working skillsnecessary for their prospective career, gradually fitting into a competitivesociety and carving their career. (延伸句2) Still,cooperation enhances mutual understanding between people, thus proving themwith mental comfort as well as spiritual back-up.(延伸句3)To sum up, in today’s world, nothing is moreimportant than cooperation (尾句要和主题呼应,可以换写和“重要性”有关的句子,做到首尾呼应,中间展开。)
3. 写作错误太多的“小刀割死”型:这部分考生一般都能看出文章的主题词,但是通常把主题词写在段落的结尾、2)喜欢只写一些和主题无关的背景类型信息。这样的框架处理方法,就使文章的主题词和其相关的内容相割裂,迟迟不能和主题挂接,越不会写吧,越写、可是越写吧、越不会写。逐渐进入“原创”后,语法错误无数、拼写错误无数。考官没读两行,就产生一种“跳跃”感,感觉这个考生总是前言不答后语,句子之间不能相辅相成。
China has rapidlydeveloping in recent years. (错误1)Accoroding to the economic datas by the government, our country haschanged stronger than before.(错误2) So with it followed there are a phenomenon called“China hot”in many other countries.(错误3)that is, foreigners are popular with tralve to China,wearing traditional Chinesecostume,eating Chinese diet,even learning Chinese and Beijing Opera.However,isthat the picture tell us?Certainly not.(错误4)The American girl is not only wearing a traditional Chinese costumebut expressing Chinese traditional cultural sign.furthermore,this picture abovedoes convey a truth that the national culture is international culture,(错误5)and that is easily to understand.
这个段落的首句为Chinahas rapidly developing in recent years. 可以说,当这位考生写了这句话的时候,离低分也就不太远了。也许你觉得我说的有点“危言耸听”,但是这篇文章在阐述段的开头位置写“中国发展快”,这本身就远远地脱离了文章写作的中心。这样这个段落就成了证明“中国经济发展快”,而不是“民族文化、世界文化“了。这篇文章最为致命的一个问题就是:二段用引言句开篇(“中国经济发展快”是个被广大考生写“烂”了的引言句,这样三句话写完了都没有出现文章主题词。
建议1:建议考生将主题词前置到二段段首,用“重要要重视”的写法开篇,然后用先熟悉万能意思框架,然后选择最明确简单的关联词即可,注意以下的文章写法:on the one hand, on the other hand, by doing so, 这样的连词形成中间段引申的粘结,尽量多写和文化交流有关的句子。然后用“这种做法会造成积极/消极影响”的写法结尾。 The primary purpose of thispicture is that cultural exchanges are not only necessary, but also indispensable,so we are supposed to emphasize their role in a country. (开篇句) One the one hand,(串接词1) they will invariably enhance friendly ties between countries andimprove their mutual understanding between peoples. On the other hand,(串接词2)they can promote communication betweenpeople in these countreis and remove the barrier between them. In the long run,(归纳总结)the cultural exchanges culture will exert positive effects on thesustainable development of world civilization.(结尾句中的sustainabledevelopment虽然有些老套,但是如果主题词前置,延伸句层次清晰,并不很明显,反而和exertpositive effects相组合,形成了合理的结论。)
Clearly, the picture tells us that 主题词plays aleading role, and we have to put emphasis on its significace in our everydaylife.(重要有害)In fact, this statement is not only impliedin the drawing above, but also supported by a recent survey by the StudentUnion of our university.(或者报纸/电视台也行). In this survey, an overwhelming majority of people believe thatit is quite necessary to延伸 and 延伸. This study also shows that if we延伸,it ispossible for us to延伸,thus延伸。
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