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新东方在线 英语四级培训



发布时间: 2016年07月20日




在当今这个 “速食时代”,人们快速消费,终日与网为生。KFC,麦当劳代替了传统的一日三餐。很多人已经厌倦了手捧一本书细细品读的踏实感,随着电子书的普及,更多人养成了浅尝辄止的浅阅读习惯。这样下去,我们曾经存在了几千年的书籍真的要被电子书取代吗?

作文题目:Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?


There is no denying the fact that e-books have gained increasing popularity in the past years along with the development of information technology. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. Actually, modern readers seem to spend more time on e-books than on traditional ones.

As a consequence, it has emerged as a hotly debated topic whether e-books will take the place of traditional books in the future. Some hold the positive view. They claim that it is natural for books to be come electronic as mankind steps into a digital age. Compared with traditional books, e-books have some obvious advantages. For one thing, it is convenient to read on line as modern people have easy access to the Internet. For another, reading e-books saves money.

Personally, I believe that e-books cannot replace all traditional books. First, you can mark a traditional book and write your comments in the margin but you can hardly do that on e-books. Secondly, to many people, only the smell of print and the feel of paper can provide the true sense of reading and learning. Therefore, in my opinion, traditional books will still exist in the future.




