发布时间: 2016年05月23日
1、 开口就说 Open your mouth
Do you have a car? 你买车了吗?
open book 开卷
2、 学来就用 Let's practice
former boss: 前任老板
What would your former boss say about you?
She would say I am a dependable hard worker.
May we contact her?
Do you have any idea what your former boss would say about you?
I think he would say that I added a lot to his business and he is sorry to see me go.
Why are you leaving / going?
I need more opportunity for career grows
What would your former boss say about you?
She will say that I was a good employee.
What else?
That always came through for her in the band.
3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday
观光 tour
I can arrange a tour for you.
Welcome to …
That's sound great!
Leave a message for …
Enjoy your stay!
What are the best spot to see?
Are there guided tours for tourist?
Let me show you the sights.