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发布时间: 2016年05月21日

雅思口语新话题解析——Dictionary - 雅思口语


这里先和各位分享一个part1的新话题:Dictionary. 很多考生完全没有准备,不具备这个话题的相关语料,导致考试的时候无话可说。

Do you use dictionary?

I have the habit of going through dictionary. I have an Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. I bought in last year.我有查字典的习惯。我有一本牛津高阶词典。去年买的。

I use an online dictionary more than a book. I use www.dictionary.com all the time when I am unsure of the spelling or meaning. I can't remember the last word I looked up. 我用在线词典,当我不确定单词拼写或意思的时候,一直都用dictionary.com这个在线词典网站。我也忘了上次我查的词是什么了。

Which kind of dictionaries do you prefer to use?

As I am not always online and have to work under different circumstances, I have my main electronic dictionaries loaded in my laptop. I like the paper version but it is far too slow. 我要在各种条件下工作而且经常不在线,所以在电脑里装了电子词典。我喜欢纸质词典,但它查起词来太慢了。

Getting the right dictionary is important in the learning process. I prefer monolingual dictionary such as the Cambrdge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It's the best dictionary with frequency information, collocation boxes and some exercises.学习过程中找对词典非常重要,我更喜欢单语(英英)词典比如剑桥高阶。这是一本非常好的词典,有词频,搭配和练习。

Do you think the dictionary is useful?

Yes. It provides a list of words and often a wide range of examples as in how the different words are used.  A good dictionary provide us with information we need in order to spell and use correct grammar regarding each different word. 词典给我们提供了大量的单词同时配有如何使用这些词的例句。一本好的词典让我们知道不同的单词如何正确拼写及使用语法等。



