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新东方在线 高二辅导培训


发布时间: 2016年05月18日



  1. catch fire 着火(强调动作,不与表示一段时间的状语连用)      Don\'t throw the cigarette ends about. The dry grass catches fire quite easily. 别乱丢烟头。干草很容易着火。      2. turn off 关掉(收音机、电视、电灯、自来水、煤气等)      Be sure to turn off the gas when you finish cooking. 做完饭后,务必要关掉煤气。      3. save one\'s life救某人的命      The doctor saved his life. 那个医生救了他一命。      4. on the way即将到来;就要      Mr Wang is on the way to turning into a professional writer. 王先生就要成为一名专业作家了。      The cold air is on the way. 冷空气就要来临。      5. in honour of... 为纪念......;向......表示敬意      There is a party tonight in honour of our new manager. 为祝贺我们的新经理上任,今晚有一个聚会。      6. deal with 处理;对付      We should learn to deal with problems of all kinds. 我们应当学会处理各种各样的问题。      7. as...as possible尽可能......地      We\'ll study as hard as possible in the future. 今后我们将尽力学习。      8. call for需要;要求      That was what I called for. 那就是我所需要的。      9. take notes 记笔记;记录      You\'d better take notes in class. 你最好在课上记笔记。      10. more than超过(用在数词前);很;非常(用在形容词、副词前)      There are more than 3,000 students in our school. 我们学校有3,000多名学生。      They are more than glad to help us. 他们很乐意帮助我们。      11. speak about谈论;谈及      They were speaking about their headmaster. 他们在谈论着他们的校长。



