当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2016年托福口语话题:哪个朝代你爱?
新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2016年05月17日





1.A historical event you want to go back to and why?

Qu Yuan is a famous poet and chancellor in Warring States Period. He also has another status, patriot. But to the country is quite corrupt on the time, the government officials are full of themselves and bribery has become a common practice, the economy of whole country has largely deteriorated. In order to against with war and save his country on the verge of extinction, Qu Yuan drowns himself into river, called Miluo, to show his own loyalty. I want to go back to those days, to save a loyal chancellor.

2.Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?


Ancient buildings depict the history, culture, and traditions of a country. (旧建筑向大家描绘了一个城市的历史、文化与传统)

traditional buildings remind people about their origins and the experiences they have had over the years. (传统建筑使人们想起他们的根源与他们往年的记忆)

help foreigners to learn more about the historical background. (帮助外国人了解城市的历史背景)


New city need place to develop. (新城市需要发展的空间)

People live in modern buildings; it is not worth to save place for historic buildings. (人们居住在现代化建筑中,为老建筑留下空间没必要)

3.Some people prefer to live in a traditional building, others prefer to live in a modern one. Which one do you prefer and why? Please give specific reasons to support your idea.

·traditional building:

Neighbors are closer around Traditional buildings like quadrangle courtyard. (传统房屋像四合院可以让邻里之间更加亲近)

Life is more convenient around old communities (老房子老社区生活更方便)

·modern building

Safety guaranteed. New buildings can even stay intact in earthquake. (现代建筑因为高科技会更加坚固,抵御灾害)

Modern houses usually have Internet access (上网方便)

Better traffic condition (道路交通更方便)

Better interior design (室内装修更好)

4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to study history from ancient times.


Enrich myself, enlarge knowledge scopes. (充实自己,扩大知识领域)

Develop the habit of stay calm. (养成冷静的习惯)

5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People don’t need to memorize historical events or references because they can find such information from the internet very easily nowadays.


most of us are not historians and experts, it is not necessary to remember particular information. (大多数人都不是历史学家,没必要去记住那些特定的信息)

some general idea is good enough, one needs to know the causes and effects of events, and how they relate to each other, but things like dates and names are just details you can look up on the internet. (记住大概就可以了,我们需要了解一些事件的结果、影响及关联,但如日期和人名等细节我们随时可以上网查到)


四合院 traditional single-story

百叶窗 shutter, blind

公寓楼 apartment building

官邸 apartment building

海景 sea view

豪华室内装修 luxurious interior decoration

豪华宅第 mansion

宽敞的 spacious,capacious, commodious

摩天大楼 skyscraper

宿舍/别墅 cottage

排房 terraced house

平房 ranch house, single-story house

城市规划 town planning, city planning

城市生活 city life


泥灰砖 marl

霓虹灯 neon light, neon sign

有......年的历史 to have a history of

people in ancient times

传说的 legendary

神话的 mythical

(建)独立式的 free-standing

战国时期 the Warring States Period

游牧部落 nomadic tribes

地形 terrain

布局 layout

人力和物力 manpower and material resources

轮廓 outline

完好无损 intact

古迹 place(s) of historical interest

风景区 scenic spot

避暑地 summer resort

传统风格 traditional style


建筑风格 building style

经典建筑 classical architecture

精心的布局 ingenious layout





