发布时间: 2016年05月12日
本文为TPO口语参考答案及题目。新东方在线托福网整理TPO19口语Task2题目、TPO19口语Task2参考答案、TPO19口语Task2范文模板、TPO19口语Task2答案解析。更多TPO口语题目及参考答案(独立口语 综合口语)尽在新东方在线托福考试频道!
More and more people are buying items on the internet and from magazines or catalogs, other people prefers shopping in a store. Which do you prefer, and why?
I prefer to go shopping in a store for two reasons. The first reason is that when you go shopping in a store, you can actually see what you’re buying so that you really know its quality. Many times when I need shoes or clothes, I like to be able to try them on and I can do that when I go to a store. However, if I go online, I have no idea if things will even fit or look right.
The second reason is that I think that it’s a lot more dangerous to go shopping online because of all of the security risks. I have heard many horror stories over the years where people’s credit card information, or their identity have beenstolen because they went shopping on a website online that turned out to be unsafe, and it took them months to recover.
That’s why I prefer shopping in a store instead of online.
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