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新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2016年04月21日

雅思口语素材:英语俚语(bump into) - 雅思口语


English Slang collection:

bump into

[释] to see someone, in an unplanned way;

[例] Anthony bumped into his ex-wife at the grocery store last week.;

bump off

[释] to kill; murder; assassinate;

[例]There was talk around the city that someone had been hired to bump off the mayor.

bum steer

[释] a piece of false information/bad advice that influences you to do the wrong thing;

[例] I asked a woman for directions, but I think she gave me a bum steer.;

bun fight

[释] a grand party;

[例]They're having a Christmas bun-fight tonight.


[释] boring;

[例] The party is bunk. Let's go somewhere else.;


[释] be of poor quality; displeasing;

[释] Man! This newly-bought coffee pot is bunk. I'm gonna make a complaint.;

bunked up

[释] highly drunk;

[例] We got bunked up at the party.



