当前位置: 网校排名> 环球网校> 2016年职称英语考试阅读理解备考:五种提问方式
环球网校 职称英语培训


发布时间: 2016年03月02日




1) The main(主要的)idea(思想,主意)of this passage(文章) is…

2)Which of the following(下列的)statements(句子)best expresses

(表达) the main idea of the passage?

3) The passage mainly discusses(讨论)…

4)This passage mainly deals with(涉及)…

5) The author‘s purpose(意图) in writing this passage is…

6)What is the passage mainly about?


1)Some people do sth. because ____________?

2)According to the passage, we can know that ___________.

3)What … ? Which … ? Who (Whom) … ? When (What time)…

4)Which of the following statements is true except……?

Which of the following statementsis not mentioned?

Which of the following is mentioned?

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?


1) The word “…”in line(行)… refers to(指)…

2) In paragraph 4,“ it ” refer to (means)………


1) It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that…。

2) Which of the following can be inferred?

3) It can be concluded (结论) from the passage that … .


1) The author‘s main(主要的)purpose(目的) in this passage is…。

2) The author‘s purpose of writing this passage is…。

3) In this passage the author‘s attitude(看法)could best……

4) The author‘s main thought(思想) is that…

阅读推荐:职称英语培训 学派网职称英语 新东方职称英语 环球网校职称英语
