当前位置: 网校排名> 环球网校> 第28招:如何点啤酒 如何询问薪水_初级英语口语
环球网校 翻译资格培训




发布时间: 2016年05月20日

第28招:如何点啤酒 如何询问薪水_初级英语口语

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth
cheap stuff.
one pitcher 一扎
Have you finished or still working on it?
Can I take your plate?
2、 学来就用 Let's practice
I'm making……我挣……
I'm making less than I want to make.
How much money are you presently earning?
I'm presently making 35.000 NT dollars a month.
How long have you been in your current position?
Two years.
How much do you make at current job?
I'm making less than I want to make.
How much is that?
27,000 dollars a year.
How much do you make now?
I'm sorry, but I'd rather not answer that.
Why not?
Because it has nothing to do with this job.
3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday
a.The food has a lot of fat.
b.It seems to be greasy.
c.You know how unhealthy it can be.
d.Be careful of the fatty dishes here!
e.Have you had trouble getting low-fat dishes?
f.The food here can have a lot of fat.

阅读推荐:英语口语培训 电话英语培训 外教一对一 新东方在线英语口语 新东方英语口语
