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环球网校 翻译资格培训




发布时间: 2016年04月29日



Listen to the dialogue between customer service agent (A) and customer (C)

A: First of all, thank you for filling in our questionnaire.
C: that’s ok. How can I help you?
A: Well you made a few interesting comments that I’d like to ask you about, if that’s all right.
C: Sure, go ahead.
A: You said that the customer service you received was “ shoddy”, what went wrong exactly?
C: Well the guy who served me didn’t really seem to know what he was doing.
A: Do you mean he was rude?
C: NO, not rude; he just didn’t know where to find things in the store or how to operate the till, things like that.
A: I see. But you were happy with what you bought.
C: Yes. I bought some trainers; they’re absolutely fine.
A: Good. And you thought they were reasonably priced?
C: Yes. They weren’t cheap, but they’re nice trainer so I didn’t mind paying a bit extra.
A: You also mentioned that worst thing about shopping at HaiSports was disabled access.
C: That’s right. I’m a wheelchair user, you see, and there were no ramps t the entrance to the store-only steps.
A: We’re really sorry about that.
C: Well I can’t say that you are the only culprits.
A: The good news is that we’re having ramps fitted at the store this week.
C: Oh, right. Well it’s nice to be listened to for a change, I must say!
A: We’ll also be sending you a HaiSports voucher to say thank you for helping us with our customer survey.

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