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来源:教育联展网    编辑:佚名    发布时间:2018-08-21

教学的至高境界 分级教学





2015年,在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡等发达国家和中等发达国家, JAVA软件工程师年薪均在4—15万美金,而在国内,JAVA软件工程师也有极好的工作机会和很高的薪水。

在未来5年内,合格软件人才的需求将远大于供给。JAVA软件工程师是目前 国际高端计算机领域就业薪资非常高的一类软件工程师。

一般情况下的JAVA软件工程师是分四个等级,从软件技术员到助理软件工程 师,再到软件工程师,**后成为高级软件工程师。

根据IDC的统计数字,在所有软件开发类人才的需求中,对JAVA工程师的需 求达到全部需求量的60%—70%。同时,JAVA软件工程师的工资待遇相对较高。

通常来说,具有3—5年开发经验的工程师,拥有年薪15万元是很正常的一个 薪酬水平。80%的学生毕业后年薪都超过了8万元。

根据专业数据分析,由于我国经济发展不均衡因素,JAVA软件工程师工资待 遇在城市之间的差异也较大,一级城市(如北京、上海等),初级软件工程师的待遇大概在4000-6000之间,中级软件工程师的待遇在6000—8000之间, 而高级软件工程师的待遇基本破万。




  • 01HTML5与CSS3

    • 1.B/S架构

    • 2.HTML基本使用

    • 3.HTML DOM

    • 4.CSS选择器

    • 5.常用样式

    • 6.盒子模型与布局

    • 7.HTML5新特性

    • 8.CSS3新特性

  • 02JavaScript

    • 1.JavaScript基本语法

    • 2.JavaScript流程控制

    • 3.数组、函数、对象的使用

    • 4.JavaScript事件绑定/触发

    • 5.JavaScript事件冒泡

    • 6.JavaScript嵌入方式

    • 7.JavaScript DOM操作

    • 8.DOM API

  • 03jQuery

    • 1.jQuery快速入门

    • 2.jQuery语法详解

    • 3.jQuery核心函数

    • 4.jQuery对象/JavaScript对象

    • 5.jQuery选择器

    • 6.jQuery 文档处理

    • 7.jQuery事件

    • 8.jQuery动画效果


    • 1.AJAX技术衍生

    • 2.XMLHttpRequest使用

    • 3.同步请求&异步请求

    • 4.JSON语法

    • 5.Java JSON转换

    • 6.JavaScript JSON转换

    • 7.jQuery 基本AJAX方法

    • 8.底层$.ajax使用

  • 05XML

    • 1.XML用途

    • 2.XML文档结构

    • 3.XML基本语法

    • 4.DOM&SAX解析体系

    • 5.DOM4j节点查询

    • 6.DOM4j文档操作

    • 7.xPath语法

    • 8.xPath快速查询

  • 06bootstrap

    • 1.bootstrap快速使用

    • 2.栅格系统

    • 3.表单、表格、按钮、图片

    • 4.下拉菜单

    • 5.按钮组使用

    • 6.导航条

    • 7.分页、进度条

  • 07Web服务器基础

    • 1.HTTP协议

    • 2.HttpWatch

    • 3.Tomcat服务器搭建

    • 4.Tomcat目录结构解析

    • 5.Tomcat端口配置

    • 6.Tomcat启动&停止

    • 7.Tomcat&Eclipse整合

    • 8.Eclipse配置优化

  • 08Servlet

    • 1.Servlet体系

    • 2.Servlet生命周期

    • 3.ServletConfig&ServletContext

    • 4.请求&响应

    • 5.重定向&转发

    • 6.中文乱码解决方案

    • 7.项目路径问题

  • 09JSP

    • 1.JSP语法

    • 2.JSP原理

    • 3.JSP脚本片段&表达式

    • 4.JSP声明&指令

    • 5.JSP九大隐含对象

    • 6.域对象使用

  • 10JSTL

    • 1.JSTL简介

    • 2.JSTL-核心标签库

    • 3.JSTL-函数标签库

    • 4.JSTL-fmt标签库

    • 5.自定义标签库使用

    • 6.自定义标签库原理

  • 11EL

    • 1.EL表达式简介

    • 2.EL使用

    • 3.EL取值原理

    • 4.EL的11大隐含对象

    • 5.EL2.2与3.0规范

    • 6.EL逻辑运算

    • 7.函数库深入

  • 12Cookie&Session

    • 1.Cookie机制

    • 2.Cookie创建&使用

    • 3.Session原理

    • 4.Session失效

    • 5.Url重写

    • 6.Session活化&钝化

    • 7.Token令牌应用

  • 13Filter&Listener

    • 1.Filter原理

    • 2.Filter声明周期

    • 3.Filter链

    • 4.Filter登录验证

    • 5.Filter事务控制

    • 6.Listener原理

    • 7.八大监听器使用

    • 8.Listener监听在线用户

  • 14国际化

    • 1.国际化原理

    • 2.ResourceBundle&Locale

    • 3.国际化资源文件

    • 4.日期/数字/货币国际化

    • 5.页面动态中英文切换

    • 6.页面点击链接中英文切换

    • 7.fmt标签库的使用

  • 15文件上传

    • 1.文件上传原理

    • 2.commons-io&commons-fileupload

    • 3.文件上传参数控制

    • 4.文件上传路径浏览器兼容性解决

    • 5.文件**原理

    • 6.文件**响应头

    • 7.文件**中文乱码&浏览器兼容性

HDU 6016


Count the Sheep

Time Limit: 3000/1500 MS (java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 852    Accepted Submission(s): 362 PRoblem Description Altough Skipping the class is happy, the new term still can drive luras anxious which is of course because of the tests! Luras became worried as she wanted to skip the class, as well as to attend the BestCoder and also to prepare for tests at the same time. However, As the result of preparing for tests, luras had no time to practice programing. She didn t want to lose her rating after attending BC. In the end, she found BCround92 s writer snowy_smile for help, asking him to leak her something. Snowy_smile wanted to help while not leaking the problems. He told luras, the best thing to do is to take a good rest according to the following instructions first. "Imagine you are on the endless grassland where there are a group of sheep. And n sheep of them are silent boy-sheep while m sheep are crying girl-sheep. And there are k friend-relationships between the boy-sheep and girl-sheep.Now You can start from any sheep, keep counting along the friend relationship. If you can count 4 different sheep, you will exceed 99% sheep-counters and fall asleep." Hearing of the strange instructions, luras got very shocked. Still, she kept counting. Sure enough, she fell asleep after counting 4 different sheep immediately. And, she overslept and missed the BestCoder in the next day. At a result, she made it that not losing her rating in the BCround92!!! However, you don t have the same good luck as her. Since you have seen the 2nd problem, you are possible to have submitted the 1st problem and you can t go back. So, you have got into an awkward position. If you don t AC this problem, your rating might fall down. You question is here, please, can you tell that how many different 4-sheep-counting way luras might have before her sleep? In another Word, you need to print the number of the "A-B-C-D" sequence, where A-B, B-C, C-D are friends and A,B,C,D are different.   Input The first line is an integer T which indicates the case number. and as for each case, there are 3 integers in the first line which indicate boy-sheep-number, girl-sheep-number and friend-realationship-number respectively. Then there are k lines with 2 integers x and y in each line, which means the x-th boy-sheep and the y-th girl-sheep are friends. It is guaranteed that—— There will not be multiple same relationships. 1 <= T <= 1000 for 30% cases, 1 <= n, m, k <= 100 for 99% cases, 1 <= n, m, k <= 1000 for 100% cases, 1 <= n, m, k <= 100000   Output As for each case, you need to output a single line. there should be 1 integer in the line which represents the number of the counting way of 4-sheep-sequence before luras s sleep.   Sample Input
2 2 4
1 1
1 2
2 1
2 2
3 1 3
1 1
2 1
3 1
3 3 3
1 1
2 1
2 2
Sample Output


#include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<cstring> using namespace std; long long d1[100010],d2[100010]; struct edge {     int x,y; }; edge e[100010]; int main() {     int t,n,m,k;     scanf("%d",&t);     while(t--)     {         long long ans=0;         memset(d1,0,sizeof(d1));         memset(d2,0,sizeof(d2));         scanf("%d %d %d",&n,&m,&k);         for(int i=0;i<k;i )         {             scanf("%d %d",&e[i].x,&e[i].y);             d1[e[i].x] ;             d2[e[i].y] ;         }         for(int i=0;i<k;i )         {             ans =(d1[e[i].x]-1)*(d2[e[i].y]-1);         }         cout<<ans*2<<endl;     }     return 0; }


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